Wednesday, July 31, 2019

A Few Photos

Hello Ladies,

I have collected a few notes for the next homemakers support video and as soon as I have everything in order I hope to try out my new/old refurbished computer and record a talk.

In the meantime I am sharing a few photos from the home view.  It is harvest here and there is noise all day and all night with the beautiful farm machinery. It’s interesting to see what’s new each year and what the machines do.


  1. What a lovely view! You are blessed to live in such a scenic, peaceful area.

  2. Greetings, I love your view and your home and your kind and generous spirit! Those lovely huge trees always make me happy. I think trees and flowers are what I love best about nature. And of course, any body of water that is clear and blue. And I also love having a clearing so I can see for miles. Hugs, Roxy

  3. Ah the time of year when the massive combines and harvesters do their linear dance across the fields.
    Your photos are lovely....
    Thanks for sharing.

  4. Yes, it's interesting isn't it? Around here (in southern Ontario) the machinery has all been out the past few days, harvesting the wheat and then bundling the straw into those huge square bales. I like to watch them work.

  5. I didn’t get pictures this year of the bales stacked up that looked like high rise buildings iand cities in the fields.

  6. What beautiful surroundings for your home!
    I am looking forward to your next video! I have played some of them multiple times to keep me going while i tend to daily tasks. Lydia, you are good company!


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