Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Homemaker Support - Listen While You Work: Preparing Yourself, Pioneering Your Work, Speaking With Emphasis

Pierre-Joseph Redoute (1759-1840) 

 Teacup of the day: Redoute Roses
from HomeGoods (TJ Maxx)

Hello Ladies,

 Today I am talking about the usual three things:

*Preparing yourself for the day at home

Actually it is a lot more interesting than the titles would imply, so be sure and find some repetitive thing that needs to be done and tune in while you go about your day.

Also, please leave a comment!!

Here are the names of the books I mentioned. They are actually short stories that you should be able to find online, or look in my search area:

When Queens Ride By (available on Amazon Kindle)
Keeper of the Springs by Peter Marshall
Women's Lib by Taylor Caldwell
The Wife, by Washington Irving.

The other books I read from were the 3rd McGuffey Reader, the introduction pages, and Spencerian Penmanship book 5.


  1. Dear Mrs. Sherman,
    I am fairly new to home-making ( my husband and I have been married a year and a half, and before that I was a nomadic farmer who lived out of my truck!)And I love the encouragement that you share in your videos.
    We live in a little trailer that we have renovated, and I have enjoyed many hours working on and in my house , listening to you.
    Today, I cooked a dinner of potatoes, sausage, and cabbage while listening to your talk.
    Thank you so much for your motivation!

  2. im happy this has been helpful to some of you, and that you got something accomplished. Hmmm. potatoes, sausage and cabbage! I wonder if you use one-pan cooking like I do! I hope to get my videos in order with numbers and subjects on them so you will know which came first.

  3. Are you wearing white eyeshawdow in your latest video? It looks very pretty, and makes your eyes really pop. I;m a few years older than you, and have often wanted to try white eyeshadow to open up my eyes. Also Lydia, do you curl your hair, or do you have some natural curl? It always looks lovely!

  4. Donna I was born with frizzy hair. In the 1980's I bought a hot roller set that helped iron out the frizz while maintaining the curls and waves, and giving my hair more shine. I still have that set and used it on my hair for this particular video. Over the years my hair has got straighter, particularly after each pregnancy. I used the eyeshadow set from Wet and Wild purchased at Dollar Tree that has the plum colors, and I don't know what the lighter color was called but it looks white in the video although it was more of a beige "in real life". I used a mix of castor oil and coconut oil on my skin under makeup.

  5. Thank you for the video! You are good company for laundry folding and dishwasher loading.

  6. I really needed to hear this talk today!
    I hung clothes out on the line, washed breakfast dishes and dumped old food out of the fridge.
    Mrs Sherman I was wondering if you could do a video about hard financial times. I am a homeschooler and my husband had a sudden change of career. The budget has become extremely tight to point of barely covering the bills. I know this won't last forever but do you have advice on feeling guilty for being at home while my husband works daily. He insists that he doesnt want me to work and I am being as frugal as possible.

  7. are so fortunate to have such a loving husband! Just keep doing the best you can....things will get better.

  8. You were great company for me as I baked a cake and did dishes and laundry. I listen to your videos over and over again and always get encouraged by your general cheerfulness, so I feel like you are a good example for me to keep a godly attitude:) I hung a quote by Martha Washington in my kitchen: "Steady as a clock, busy as a bee, and cheerful as a cricket." I think this describes you! :)
    I sometimes feel that I could be more peaceful about my housework if I didn't have homeschooling thrown in. I know this isn't really true, but I'm still often in a tizzy getting "it all done".
    Have a wonderful day and thanks for making these videos - I know it takes time and preparation on your part.

  9. that sounds incredible

  10. I haven't listened to the talk just yet, but would you believe, that I have that exact print of Redoubt roses hanging in my bedroom?

  11. Dear Mrs. Sherman, I am so thankful for what you have done for the homemaking community and what you continue to do. I have followed you and your writings for many years. In fact, I have a file of things you have written, examples of other successful homemakers, etc. from years ago that I need to go over again and refresh myself. I have been a homemaker for over 40 years and I still appreciate your encouragement so much! I was able to get a lot done in my kitchen while listening, getting some bread started, and many other small things that were lightened by your sweet and gentle voice and kind, encouraging words. Even my husband who is recently retired would make comments at times. :)

  12. Dear Lydia, this talk is a month old now but I am catching up on some older talks, now that I have figured out how to listen on the old cell phone.

    I listened to this talk while I cleaned up the kitchen this morning, and made soup and sandwiches for lunch.

    I think your plaid shirt is cute. I am on the fence about wearing plaid shirts. I don't really feel feminine when I wear them, and they aren't terribly flattering on me since the buttons normally pull across the chest. However, they are warm and comfortable and I really love all the variety of colours in the plaid fabrics, especially the purple ones. Normally I wear them at home in the winter but I put a pretty, soft sweater over the top.

    I agree wholeheartedly that homeschooling is as beneficial to the mother as to the children. I have been homeschooling for 13 years now, and during that time I have received a much more complete and satisfying education than what I learned at public school, which was just scratching the surface of what there is to know. I feel almost embarrassed now to think how ignorant I was when I graduated high school of almost everything!

    I enjoyed the maxims you shared from the old penmanship book, and I have taken to heart your idea of making my own copywork for my children. I have been thinking of doing that anyway, but now I will for sure. :)

    Lastly, the book you talked about where ladies would write down quotations, poetry etc. that they wanted to remember, was called a commonplace book. I have kept one for a few years now and it's a real treasure for me. Mostly what I write in it is quotes from books I've read which I want to remember because they are beautifully written or helpful in some way. I've also added in some of my favourite poems and Bible verses.

    I have already suggested true, inspiring stories as a topic for future talks, and I would also love to hear more homeschooling tips such as what you have shared in this talk.


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