Tuesday, October 01, 2019

Homemaker Support- Listen While You Work: Appearance at the Beach, Being A Day Ahead, Contradicting

Hello Dear Ladies,

I took some time to find a few 19th century type paintings of ladies at the beach, to illustrate how a visit to the ocean can be used as an opportunity for serenity and beauty. Pinterest is a great source of paintings but the people who post them do not always include the artist and name of the painting, so today you will have to look all that up yourself.  

I am very much concerned that the glory of the ocean is lost on the physical fitness movement, where going to the beach is for exercise alone. A visit to the ocean can inspire an artist or a poet,  and give ideas to a writer, and provide an adventure in nature-studies to children.

A walk on the beach can even draw your thoughts back through history, thinking of the many people before you in past times, who enjoyed the same salt air experience.
We hear people today wistfully talking about more elegant eras of the past, but some time at the coast has a refining effect on the people who know how to approach this experience with thoughtfulness, looking for all they can find to love and enjoy.

And, of course, it is evidence of God's glorious creation.

It is also a time of re-creation and relaxation.

Today in my video I discuss dressing for the beach, because it is more than sports and swimming. In "the olden days" people who wanted to swim in the ocean gathered in a different part of the beach that was set aside with bathing shelters just for sea-bathing (swimming), while other people preferred to stroll or sit and look at scenery, and even take tea.
artist: Gregory Harris

It is sometimes difficult to find long, feminine clothing, so I perused Pinterest and found something very simple but loose and long for the beach:

I would love to have a pattern for this! I like using one pattern and making a dresses from a variety of prints and solids. I had an Aunt who lived on a farm in the 1940's and she used the same pattern for her farm style dresses but she always liked to see what kind of interesting print fabric she could find.
Hermann Seeger

 I hope you will leave some comments!!

With my Time and Tru plaid cotton shirt today I am wearing Wet and Wild Silk Finish Lipstick in Dark Wine, 99 cents at some stores and $1.00 at Dollar Tree. It has a very light feel and is so moisturizing. I'd like to try the L.A. Colors cosmetic brand which is sold at Dollar Tree, and I may do that soon.


  1. I always love your talks. I often use them to get housework done. Although after 25 years of homemaking and homeschooling I am now in a different season. I have had to go to work. But when I am home I put on my apron and do my best.

  2. Enjoyed your latest video,especially about habits when becoming older.
    I currently work with young females who are examples of what you've described. One in particular is in her late 30's and her demeanor is less than kind. There is a coldness in her manner and speech. The department she heads has a high turnover and management simply ignores it.She especially targets older workers and those she does not favor. I suppose time will tell whether she learns or chooses to continue into the "grumpy old lady" role. Thank you for your work.

  3. That is quite young to have developed such a hard personality. It is even more sobering to see how many years ahead of her she has to do this damage to other people! However someone who has nothing to lose may one day confront her. I don't think anyone is so set in stone that they cannot change, but in a way, other people enable and maintain this kind of personality by letting them get away with it.

    1. I agree and have had similar thoughts! Being a fly on the wall might prove quite interesting some day.
      Recently I watched her face turn into rage when she didnt get the reaction she wanted. It showed me she is mortal and when she can't control, she goes out of control. Thanks for responding.

  4. Over the past days I have peeled, cooked and frozen 4 large buckets of apples to make apple purée whilst listening to your videos, and yesterday I completely caught up on the mountain of ironing I had got far behind with. Today I will be beginning a much needed clear out and reorganisation of my bedroom cupboards prior to Christmas, and will listen to your new video whilst doing so. I have also downloaded and am enjoying Jane Austen's 'Sense and Sensibility' free from my library (here in England most libraries offer free audio and e-books' online) and am hugely enjoying it. I think it is one of my favourite Austen's but I hadn't read it for many years; it was lovely to be reminded of an author I have been neglecting.
    I had to smile at your comments about 'watching your waistline' in the health section of your last video. Sadly I had been watching mine slowly disappear over the past 15 years, but a return to a more moderate and wholefood ,healthy diet after a heart attack 5 years ago has seen it reappear and I don't intend to lose it again.
    With many thanks for the time and effort you are putting into the videos you share with us, and my best wishes to yourself and your family.

  5. My dear lady Lydia,

    How true and accurate your description of bitter people is. The older, the more bitter, it seems. And certainly nobody likes being around such people. That´s food for thought, since getting older is inevitable. What kind of older woman do I want to become?
    In the meantime, keeping on being kind and gracious to a mother, or husband, or neighbour who has grown harsh and undoubtedly is not, cannot be happy at all, is a challenge. An act of love. It´s hard, but it is in those moments when we prove the truth of our Christianity, in my humble opinion.

    "Aren´t you afraid of life and all its desolation?", Anne of Green Gables was asked once by a dark, cruel, unhappy woman who had tried to make things a hell for her for a while. Anne didn´t answer. But soon after, she found a way to show her love and compassion, and definitely continued dwelling in joy, loveliness and hope every day.

    It´s a joy just watching and/or listening to you. Your genuine, sweet smile is an inspiration.

  6. Dear Lydia, I enjoyed your thoughts on dressing for the beach, I wish people would dress like that again. I remember once a very close relative became angry at me when I was a teenager because I didn't look like I once did in a bathing suit. If people dressed in the pretty cotton dresses, what should be hidden would be hidden! : )

    I have a very old photo of my German grandmother and her brother at the beach, she is wearing a white cotton long dress with a cumberbund type belt with a parasol and her brother is wearing a white straw skimmer hat, bowtie and blazer. It was so freeing for me to realize I did not have to participate in the undress of today. There is nothing like a flowy cotton dress or skirt. Your description of your relatives gazing into distant waters is so appealing. I grew up on the water and it's so relaxing. My mother's friend went to the beach one day by herself probably in the late 40s after being treated by electric shock and everything else for depression... She was healed from depression as she sought God on that beach and I'm sure prayed to God. This same Italian woman married a Polish man and they had five children, she passed away recently and always had the most wonderful attitude on life! The day she died, she called my mother from the hospital and said, "I've had a good life". The hospital always called her the miracle lady.

    It's funny about people with the reverse, the bad attitudes, I know one just like that, she is a problem to her family and her family seems to walk on eggshells with her enabling the bad behavior. I think many are ungrateful and many times selfish.

    Such is life, we must learn to deal with those and love them at arm's length right? It is fun to listen to your descriptions of people! lol

    Love your lipsticks, I have the silver tube in a magenta. I found that brand at the very bottom shelf at a Walgreens drugstore.

    Blessings! ~Amelia

  7. I love you SO much! I am a new mother and homemaker. I left my career as a chef to stay at home and raise our son.
    You have encouraged me in all the right ways sister! Thank you!
    Zephyr Williamson
    Cave Springs Church of Christ
    Cave Springs Arkansas

  8. Ladies thank you for all your lovely comments, which really encourage me. For those of you who have quit careers to stay home, I always thought if you wanted to be a musician or a singer, that it would be more valuable to sing to your children at home and let them benefit first hand from your talent. Those who want to know what qualifications they need to homeschool; well, your education won't count very much because when you get down to it, teaching your own at home requires a relationship between you and them, and you learn right along with them! You really acquire your qualifications along the way!

  9. I have heard of Cave Springs--what a name, and it must have an interesting story to go with!


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