Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Christmas House Tour: Childrens Rooms

On display are several of the beautiful holiday gift bags from Dollar Store.


  1. You have such talent for decorating! Thank you for sharing!

  2. The Thomas Kincade house is so charming...

  3. Mary its all staged for the photos ;-) My goal is to have nothing in storage and to use everything I have and eliminate anything I don't absolutely like. I may have another room to show if I can get that room sorted out. I hope none of you have a storage room like mine!!

  4. Things look beautiful. I have started listening to your housewife videos nearly every morning M-F. I am getting things done so much better. Thank you so much. I listen on my phone, so I don't get back here to comment. You are influencing me for the better. 54 years old, and I feel like I'm beginning to get a handle on things!
    Be blessed,
    Laura Lane
    Harvest Lane

  5. It becomes a great challenge after the age of 50 due to the many changes in the household and of course add to that the archives of various things you naturally accumulate. And also you become busier!!

  6. I love to see your pretty rooms and how you display things - the quilt cover and pillowcase on the bed is lovely. The little red truck is a new idea to me, as I am in the uk, but I have seen it on Christmas movies and I think it's so adorable!


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