Monday, December 30, 2019

Household Tips, Encouraging Others at Home, Miss Manners

 Purchases from Home Goods, Dollar Tree.


  1. That pink metallic charger is amazing! I love pink.

  2. Those chargers set off the plates so well. My family likes using them much better than placemats. They are in the party section of Hobby Lobby, usually about 1.99 each or half price sometimes.

  3. I cooked two large Indian meals, hand washed my silk pillowcases, make vegetable stock, ironed my bedding and towels and did the dishes, listened to two episodes back to back, brilliant so happy I found you I am learning so much. Please keep them up, I would love to know more about your routines past and present. God bless

  4. I enjoy the 1 hour videos. Sometimes it’s just the motivation I need to get started. Thank you!!

  5. Thank you, Lydia, for stretching out your talk longer than 15 minutes. My attention span is maintained throughout your talks that are just about an hour long. Today I took my device and propped it up on top of my treadmill while you spoke. I walked the entire 45 minutes with you keeping me going! I bet you didn’t realize that your talks keep us motivated to do other necessary things not even related to Homemaking!🙂I look forward to leisurely walks outside once the weather conditions improve.

    I loved the tea cup and matching dress you had on today. I also like the idea of making a hospitality basket. I did something similar to this with visiting some widows who were shut in.

    Your talks about dealing with difficult individuals is always appreciated. We certainly need an outpouring of grace and wisdom when relating to these people. I’m glad you share your ideas with us from years of experience as a pastor’s wife.

    Many blessings in the New Year,

    Holly, I thought you were all washing dishes. Someone else listens while on a morning walk

  6. I really enjoy the hour videos and the structure of splitting the talk into three sections. I hope you don't mind me commenting, but you look so radiant today Lydia! Your skin is glowing and your makeup is lovely. You are such an inspiration when I am having an unmotivated day!
    I love those pretty plates and the tea cups you have found to go with them. Have a blessed day and all good wishes for a happy new year.

  7. I walked my dog while I listened today and then I actually sat down for the last 10 min. when I got back and watched. I hope you don't mind, but I was resting up for my next task. Your living room makes a very lovely background for your talks. Thank you for the video. I hope you keep them longer than 15 minutes myself. Happy New Year to you!
    Also, the teacup is beautiful!

  8. I am catching up on your videos, and I must tell you how grateful I am for your sharing! Thank you for your lady like, christian inspiration! You are most appreciated. Love to you and your family this New Year. God Bless.

  9. Hello Mrs. Sherman,

    I love listening to your youtube channel talks. Please keep them long if it isn’t too much trouble. I recently told a friend about them and she’s been listening while working and we greatly enjoy every minute. I never stop listening after only 15 minutes and I get a lot done. Currently hanging laundry.


    Melissa in Cincinnati area

  10. I knew I should have stopped by the Home Goods store the other day! : ) Those are very good buys! And pretty too.

    Enjoyed listening as I applied my makeup, dressed for the day and just tidied up a bit. I also was able to put some eggs in a muffin pan to bake. I do that instead of boiling, so much easier.

    Love that basket from Dollar Tree, that is such a cute idea.

    As usual, I enjoyed you talking about people who like to meddle etc. I remember reading a Grace Livingston Hill book where she talked about a gossip, a troublemaking woman. She wrote how the woman had to put on a pot of coffee because after all, it takes a lot of coffee to have the energy to snoop on her neighbors and all! lol

    Your talks are always welcomed. Many of us have no kind of ladies meetings to attend where women are speaking on these things. I don't mind the hour talks at all, I find them to be a fun thing, like finding an Easter egg, and there is always something to learn whether it's a new top or baskets from the dollar store or how to handle difficult people. Sometimes I listen in increments listening to some on my television through channel master as I do things, sometimes on my phone as I put my makeup on.

    Take care, it's a joy to listen. God knows I needed the encouragement this week, an ambulance was called for my mother Christmas night as she passed out in front of God and all my inlaws. All is well but very un-nerving and emotional for this only child.

  11. This discussion on what we actually get done is brilliant. Thank you Mrs. Sherman for the constructive use of your time is helping us all to be more constructive and confident in our home making efforts.

    I also enjoy the three part segments. Sometimes I skip towards the end to learn what I can do to better get along with the people in our home. With so many different personalities a homemaker can be overwhelmed with that alone.
    Looking forward to the next episode while also catching up on what I've missed. Have a lovely day.

  12. Dear Lydia,
    I've been listening to your last video as I ironed my family's clothes. I like having a notebook nearby to write down my best ideas, usually coming when ironing, as it is a relaxing activity for me. After some minutes, I found myself taking notes of your housekeeping tips, not to miss them!
    I confess this is not the first time I do so. Lots of your older articles are pasted, next to beautiful pictures I find and print, in my inspirational notebooks. I've always wondered if you also have a notebook to store and develop your ideas. I enjoy going back to it quite often, but now I hear your voice when I reread them!
    I love love love your lovely home, your pretty cups, the calm feeling of listening to your friendly voice, keeping us company and teaching the good things as a mother would do. Thank you so much.

  13. Good Morning Mrs. Sherman, thank you for the advice in exiting a conversation with grace. Sometimes I get ideas from celebrities that go to interviews and the host ask what I would find to be a rude question and I get ideas from how the celebrity distracts the host by commenting on the decorations on the table in front of them. I was able to make my bed, feed my children, and sweep my floors while listening to this video. :)

  14. Dear Lydia,
    I know you were saying that the longest people seemed to watch was 15 minutes so you are trying to limit the time you speak. I wish you would'nt as the longer videos allow me to get my jobs done quickly with your pleasant conversation and sometimes I have to watch them in increments of 15 minutes or so. I think sometimes it is difficult to take the hour to listen straight through but I always come back and watch from where I stopped. It is very uplifting to listen to you and look at your beautiful home and teacups. It is lovely to hear how happy you are in your home . Thank you for taking this trouble to set these videos up. Love Ann


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