Thursday, March 19, 2020

Reasons to Bake, Retiring From the Anxiety, Don't Lose Hold of Blessings

Proverbs 12:25

Anxiety in a man's heart weighs him down,
But a good word makes him glad.

If you are up to some deeper reading and more challenging thinking, check out Thinking Housewife today for her post on Common Sense. She has several pages of posts on the current crises. Also be sure to listen to the Ron Paul Video she has included.

The Pleasures of Tea (published 1999 by Victoria Magazine


  1. I've been following/interested in what you said since LAF early 2000's.

    Love this venture you're making. Please continue.

  2. Good morning Mrs. Sherman. I would like to express my gratitude to you for making these videos. I live in England and over the past two weeks we have been self isolating, and I have found it very hard. It is so nice to feel that I have a friend talking to me as I go about my daily tasks, and your posts about not letting anxiety rule have really helped me. Thank you again.
    My best wishes to you and to your family

  3. Denyse, Julel, Thank you! There is a good post on Thinking Housewife today,(Laura Wood) called "A Daily Dose of Common Sense," plus several pages she has posted on this issue facing us today.

    1. Thank you for the recommendation.

  4. I would like to add these quotes for you all to take to heart....and pray you do that. They have meant the world to on....:-)

    "Unless there is a significant change, the flu is a far greater threat than the coronavirus". R. Settle

    Proverbs 12:25
    (from this blog post)
    Anxiety in a man's heart weighs him down,
    But a good word makes him glad.

    " religious belief teaches me to feel as safe in battle as in bed. God has fixed the time for my death." Stonewall Jackson

  5. Dear Mrs.Sherman,
    I love your casual attitude about all this up roar. I won't bother spreading fearful statistics,or bad talk our Nation it won't finish any good. Complaining won't get one dish washed!:-) well Thank you dearly for your talk today it was comforting. I do believe you will receive traffic now more than ever with everyone home. It is nice to know we have been here adjusting all along the way. Now maybe a time to review classics like 30 things to consider before returning to work? Peace and blessings to all who read this.

  6. Mrs. Daniels, I've been intending to read that list of 30 and will do so soon!!!

  7. Dearest Lydia,
    Thank you for going the extra mile by spending more time with us through your video today. It was comforting and encouraging. If we complain and refuse to thank God for the things that are totally out of our control, we are being foolish and yes, even rebellious. Life offers joy to us who rest contentedly in the place and time where God has put us.

    I plan to bake some comfort food today and get my home smelling really good!!🙂
    In light of the present day events,
    I pray we see a good old fashioned revival with many mothers choosing to stay home and educate their children. As well as this, seeing families slow down and enjoying time together without all the rushing around to sports and activities is a wonderful thing,too, that you touched upon in today’s talk.

    Thanks again for the encouragement to keep calm and keep the home fires burning.



  8. 1-1 of 1

    Dear Lydia, Thank you so much for another inspiring post. You always look so elegant! I love old movies where ladies never went out without their gloves and hats. They had solid reasons to do so, apart from being beautifully dressed. I liked your Bible reading. It looks like yesterday's news. People still grumble and murmur instead of trusting and obeying the Lord. Maybe it's easier, it requires no courage or strength to be negative. That reminds me of that verse in Revelation where the Lord says that the cowards and the unbelievers will be cast out, the cowards in the first place. I read somewhere that the sentence "Don't be afraid" appears 365 times in the Bible, one for every day. Those are very comforting thoughts in these days. We've been confined for a week here in Spain. You aren't allowed to go anywhere except to the supermarket or the pharmacy.

  9. I did not know about the "afraid" verses - 365! I'm going to address fear in my next video. Thanks

  10. Dear Lydia,
    Thank you for reminding us that as homemakers, our work is so important and influential.
    The 'small things' that we do can have such an impact. This is easy to forget sometimes.
    Your encouragement to us in dealing with our thoughts and actions during this stressful time is so helpful.
    Kind regards,
    Aline L.

  11. Hello Lydia,

    I am so thrilled to be able to listen to your words and hear your voice, all the while, pulling weeds! A task that I put off and put off. At the end of your series, you said that it was about an hour long. It seems like 10 minutes to me! Plus, I got one big bed cleared and cleaned! I was out in the sunshine, do physical work and listening to how we should wear gloves. Which I was!
    Your Housewife Radio, are a treasure! And it looks like I'm not the only one who feels the same!
    ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤

  12. I like to turn on your videos when I'm having trouble focusing on my household tasks. Thank you for Homemaker radio.

  13. Lydia,
    The story of Caleb and Joshua vs. the other spies had me thinking how quickly people jump on the panic train. We have been fed for years now a diet of super intense 'what if?' panic type tv shows. Now it seems a diet of the real thing is just what people want and they are gorging themselves. It's like everyone gets to be their own star and act out their own fears. My husband jokingly said he half expected to see zombies walking around.

    Thanks for being one of the sane ones. Got 2 rows of strawberries weeded!



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