Friday, May 01, 2020

Dress For Motivation, The Shepherd of the Home

Hello Ladies,

Today I share with you the book, "The Way of the Shepherd" by Don Baker, a newsletter, and some other things. I hope you got a lot done while listening to this  Homemakers Radio edition.

Deckle-edged pages and end-papers 
on Barbour book publications.


  1. This has to be among my favorite talks of yours! Thank you. (All three segments) :)

  2. Thank you for the book recommendation (Where the Heart Is). I've been looking for something like that to read which is light and pleasant to read before bedtime. Unfortunately, in Canada I can't find even a used copy for less than $18, but I'll keep my eyes open for a cheaper copy somewhere. Also, I'm on the lookout for an inexpensive copy of Way of the Shepherd, because in the past few weeks I've been having my children memorize the 23rd Psalm for homeschool. It sounds like a perfect book to add to our readings. (Or, perhaps I can get a copy from the library - when the library finally opens again!)

  3. those books are only $4.95 at Thrift books, 99c postage, online. If you like I can send you a link.

  4. Anonymous12:51 PM

    I would say your face product is working - you look beautiful!

  5. Thank you so much for your videos and for still speaking to homeschooling mothers about child raising. I take so much of your advice straight to heart. Your videos help me wash dishes and fold laundry. I love your sweet, gentle voice of wisdom. Thank you immensely for you labor of love. I would enjoy hearing about food from you sometime. I think you’ve said in the past that you don’t have to go to some far away organic store to buy good food for your family, that you can buy easily accessible and affordable food that won’t break a budget. There’s so much confusing information out there, it’s dizzying and impossible to wade through. Some new expert crops up all the time! I know you’ll have a sensible, old fashioned approach to diet, grocery shopping and meals for families that everyone enjoys but is somehow still nourishing. You are a testimony to good nutrition as you are beautiful, vibrant and energetic. Whatever you are doing, works! Share sometime if you feel like it. I’m one listener who needs some encouragement in this area.
    Bless you,

  6. Thank you for the info about Thrift Books. I checked there, and it is cheaper, but the 99 cent postage is only for Americans - for Canadians they charge nearly $6. It's still cheaper than Amazon though, so thanks.

  7. Dear Mrs. Sherman,
    My heart was touched by your reading The Way of the Shepard. When we think of Christ as our Shepard we see how much work the Shepard has to do to keep his sheep safe and comfortable. Come follow Me and I will give you rest! It was such a blessing to ponder this thought as I went about my day at home. God bless you always and thank you for all you do for us. Love,
    Mrs. G


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