Saturday, May 09, 2020

House Appearance and Personal Appearance--How They Interact, Keeping a Positive View Essential for Success at Home

Hanging the Wash
by Helen Allingham 

Please get a lot done while you listen today!

Speech to the Ranchers from "Westward the Women" 1951

Books I reviewed today:


  1. Hello dear Lydia,

    I had very little “gumption” to get at some things on my monthly goal list today, so I decided to check out my homemaker radio station to see if you had posted a recent video. YES! It was there, and it got me going on cleaning my refrigerator while I listened intently. I would have to say, like you, I grew up learning with my children as I homeschooled them. You see, I was also a byproduct of public schools and desperately wanted my children to have a Christian education. Many people thought we were breaking the law as we proceeded to teach our own. And, I might add, we used a lot of the Abeka materials for teaching in our home. They are outstanding, especially for those new to homeschooling.

    Thanks again for the great company and encouragement you provided to help get me out of my slump. It truly is a blessing to listen to a likeminded lady who loves the Lord and her listeners.

    God bless you,

  2. Thanks for being the first to comment! Yes the ABeka was very noble, very high quality. Other curriculums were good but Abeka made the materials attractive and lovely.

  3. Thank you. You look so pretty. How do you manage outside work in the country (not in a white dress of course), but in a feminine way? Messing with hoses and weeds, I always get dirty and I end up wearing very casual clothes since i haven't learned the art of doing it in a feminine way.

    Thanks again, my husband had to rush out to go to town for an online class he is in and I was able to listen to you tonight and clean my slow cooker and kitchen, wipe the stove and write up a little prayer for after our meals thanking God for our gifts of the day.

    Wishing you peace,

    PS. I am so out of the loop of hearing news because we don't ever have the TV on and when i am on the internet I am looking for info, looking for homemaking inspiration, or banking. I don't even see the news. I just pray and ask for God's mercy and may I be His Love to those around me. I think that's enough for my little world.

  4. Dee, that is wise indeed.

    I wear something different for outdoor work--a long cordoroy skirt with leggings, boots and a very tough thick full size apron, and a plaid shirt.

  5. Dear Lydia!
    I am thoroughly enjoying your pioneer teaching! I am a homeschooling mother already, and I agree wholeheartedly with learning alongside my children!

    What is interesting is that I went to college for my teaching degree back in the early 90's. When I had two quarters left to go, I decided I would never work outside the home.

    I finished college, but after being public schooled and then trained to be a public school teacher, I knew it was a dangerous place.

    One of my challenges was unlearning those things I was "taught"!

    I would like to add, after jumping around with a little this and that for our little homeschool, I find Abeka to be just right for us. Our children request Abeka!
    I used to buy gently used books, but make an effort to make sure they have brand new workbooks and readers from Abeka.
    I do still buy used books from Thrift, etc.

    Thank you again for the lovely videos. They are priceless.
    Mrs.O 💐

  6. Hello dear Lydia,

    I am listening now and getting ready to go to the hard work outside on our one acre here in the Southern California mountains. I dress in my work clothes but I still feel feminine! Then I'll come in, wash up, and put on something nice for when the dear man comes home.

    I have to tell you --- he is very tall, and we finally were able to get a new beautiful Amish-made bed frame that fits him. He likes the pillows and such, and so it is a chore to make the bed. The carpal tunnel problem means that my hands hurt, and I tend to avoid making that bed. But each morning I look to see if there is a new talk from you. And it makes the making of the bed go so much quicker and easier and inspiring! And once that is done, everything else goes better.

    It sounds like a small thing maybe, but you help me very much when I am facing that chore. It makes a difference in my life and in my outlook and demeanor for the whole day.

    I have also already finished communicating with the children and parents in my second-grade class at the lovely school where I teach, and went to see my beautiful granddaughter who will be two tomorrow. So grateful for the blessings. Outside now I go!

    Love to you,


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