Friday, May 22, 2020

The Visual Aids of Personal Preparation and Homemaking, Classy Education

Hello Dear Ladies,
Today I talk about the way your preparation and homemaking creates a visual aid for you that helps so much in the day's responsibilities at home.  I also talk about approaching homemaking with a nobler and higher purpose. 
Winter Cottage magazine, Hoffman Media, Winter 2013

Look at the Sky and tell the weather, by Eric Sloane

Make "commonplace books" with papers by Graphics 45: Samples of Commonplace books

Please enjoy your homemaking while you listen:

"Things that are higher, things that are nobler..."


  1. I cannot tell you what an encouragement you are, what good company you make. I often wish I were one of the blessed ladies in your Bible class but feel as grateful to listen to what you share in your videos. One can say of you that you contributed to the spiritual and emotional well being of women far and wide and not just for a little while. Many years of service are to your credit. You support the physical well being of women too as you often highlight good habits and lifestyle that promote health and overall stability. You speak sound, straight forward wisdom and have guided me for many years. My first child was born in 2005 and I found you not terribly long after looking for encouragement and a solid mentor. I found that in you, Mrs. Sherman. Four others have been born after the last in 2016! My five children span 15-3 and we’ve homeschooled from the beginning. You have spoken into my life powerfully about giving them a happy carefree childhood, free from heavy responsibility. You’ve comforted me when I get bogged down in too much rigidity in our learning. You gently suggest a better way and I’m listening and learning from you. I nearly have tears as I think of how you have a heart to homeschool mothers and wives. You are quite a lady and I deeply appreciate your sacrifice of time and energy to pour into any who have open hearts. God bless you! May He be glorified in your work now and always. I just wanted to take a moment to thank you and let you know how you’ve impacted my life over the years and how you’ve encouraged a sweet spirit in our homeschooling and in my homemaking. You are so right about it being an isolating job - shepherds work alone. You’ve been such a faithful friend to come alongside those of us in our homes plugging away at the good work the Lord has given. You steadily encourage goodness and gently lead readers and listeners away from negativity or anything that can cause harm or damage to us or our families. Your outspoken and shameless support for the high calling of wife, mother, homemaker is admirable but what I love most is that you are so faithful to teach about what we were made to do. Your fear of the Lord is clear as you reject vain and worldly philosophy - which has not born good fruit. Gods ways are always best! That is your resounding over arching message and I for one am so blessed by all your efforts and tireless work to proclaim them to the world. Thank you so much! Please keep up the good work! Rebecca

  2. Dear Lydia,
    I have really enjoyed my home making day while listening to today’s talk. What a blessing it has been! You have been the most influential woman in my sphere of life that has elevated the daily work in my home to a position of nobility and worth. I can’t thank you enough for all your wonderful encouragement!! I am taking to heart the lessons of not allowing my moods, weather, or difficult people distract me from moving forward. What a great dose of inspiration I received today. THANK YOU!!!!


    Sent from my iPhone

  3. Thank you for your videos, the time you take to put them together and the valuable thoughts you share. I get a lot of work done listening and feel very encouraged and so much less alone when I’m done. Please know that you are deeply appreciated for your efforts to provide fellowship to teach and to bless. Rebecca

  4. Thank you for all of the beauty that you share in your posts and videos! Your posts are a feast for the eyes in this (often) utilitarian world we live in. God created beauty and lavishly designed flowers, birds, etc. and I think that he meant for us to enjoy it.

  5. Thank you for another lovely talk. One thing I did while listening to it was make a batch of stewed rhubarb. The rhubarb in my garden has grown so much in the past few years, I'm probably going to have to start giving it away.

    I really liked that little poem you read a few times - can you please refresh my memory as to the name of it and the author? Thank you.

    Also, I agree with your frequent reminders to stay away from the news media. I ignore the news entirely now, and starting tomorrow I'm going to be taking a one month breath from social media, as well. It's good to use Facebook to connect with homeschooling activities in the community, but lately many of my Facebook friends are just posting upsetting news articles and I just don't want to pay attention to that any more. I know there are problems in the world but me getting upset about them won't change anything. I only post positive things on my Facebook page myself, not things that will make people's stomachs hurt. For example, a few days ago the children and I saw an adorable baby screech owl on a nature walk, and I posted photos of the cute little fellow. I also like to post photos of the flowers in my garden, and things like that. If I see a really funny joke that is clean I'll post that as well.

    However, I will say that some of the alternative news content on Youtube that has a positive spin is okay. I recently found an excellent, Christian news channel for children called World Watch in 3. Monday to Friday they produce a 3 minute video telling kids of what's going on in the world, focusing on positive things like interesting new inventions or baby animals being born in a zoo somewhere. It's never political or upsetting and every video ends with the host saying, "No matter what the news, the Lord's purpose will prevail." I really like this channel so I thought I would recommend it - I think it's good even for adults (like me) to watch who don't want to listen to the regular news but who want to at least have an inkling of what's going on in the world.

    God bless you and Mr. S for keeping your church open during this time. That took courage, and I respect you for that.

  6. The poem is "If You Think You Are Beaten, You Are."


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