Wednesday, June 03, 2020

Instantly Change Circumstances, Hospitality, History

One Day At A Time

Keep your life's todays serene and fair;
Shut away the doubts that oft come creeping.
Leave your life's tomorrows in God's care;
For He holds them safely in His keeping.


  1. Dear Lydia,

    Thank you for introducing me to “Wives and Daughters.” I am planning on ordering the DVD’s at Amazon. I really trust your judgment about these, so I am looking forward to more from Elisabeth Gaskell in the upcoming days.

    Yes, we certainly CAN change our circumstances and our attitude about life by simply keeping up with our appearance. Like you said, so many things are beyond our control; we can, however, control how we dress and keep our homes( if not chronically ill or bedridden).

    I took you with me throughout the house doing laundry, dishes, sweeping, and making beds. I love your company!!


    Sent from my iPhone

  2. I love all of your Homemaker Radio videos. Thank you so much for all of the time you put into making them.

    1. Stephanie, Holly, Thanks got taking the time to leave a note. I have been trying to do them more often, and some written posts as well.

  3. I listened to this talk while I made supper the other night.

    I had to laugh when you said we should get out our grandmother's good china - I do in fact have my grandmother's good china, as well as my great-grandmother's as well. And they are sitting in boxes in the attic because I just know as soon as we get them out my kids will break something. But, they are not bringing anybody any joy up in the attic, are they?

    I have been enjoying the bits you've shared from Wives and Daughters. I did watch the mini-series a while back (I got it from the library), but I've never read the book. I did however read North and South before watching the mini-series, and I wasn't very impressed with the film version. I felt like they made it more sensationalized and dramatic than the book was, and added in elements that were more modern, like at the end when the two main characters are sitting in the railway compartment kissing each other. (Just my opinion!) I enjoyed the book very much though. Another one by Elizabeth Gaskell I absolutely loved was Cranford - it was so funny and sweet. I know she has many more books, and I would like to add more to my library.

  4. I so enjoyed your talk while working mostly in the kitchen. It seems that is the place I usually listen to Homemaker's Radio as I can better focus and concentrate on what you show and share.
    I like the dress you sewed with the fabric of nature's cheery colors and scenes, and the photo of your sweet little cottage garden with the pink flowers and dainty white fencing is so pretty. I recognize a "dusty miller" in the front-left corner which is one I plant each year as they do well here and are deer-resistant. Are the pink flowers perennials?
    As always, I found it interesting listening to the History readings and other book excerpts. I am enjoying the homeschool education immensely. :-)

  5. The mini series added drama not in the book such a the way the mill owner treated the man who was smoking around the cotton. In behind the scenes that came with the dad set, they told of the parts that were added for dramatic emphasis.

  6. The flowers that are in the garden are called Keys of Heaven or Valerian (often used in tea or herbal mixes to create drowsiness). I don’t know what the other plant is called with the velvet looking leaves but yes they both come year after year. Valerian generally likes to grow around old church building because of the gravel or old concrete and the minerals it provides. The only way to get it to grow on the cottage garden was to keep the soil from getting too rich and to neglect the plant.


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