Saturday, July 11, 2020

Good Appearance for Yourself and Your Home Gives You More Peace, Assignment #7

Hello Ladies,
Please enjoy listening as you go. It is hard to avoid talking about the current issues in times where everyone is feeling it so personally and close to home, but I attempted to ease it a little with some home remedies of making you and your home look their best.

I was not able to share a teacup today but this is the one that I used.

todays teacup

Refinement Assignment:

Try a new tea.
Spend more time getting ready before you begin your day.
In your notebook write these verses: Psalms 37:4-8 
Food presentation
Listen to this song until you can sing along:


  1. Your hydrangeas look beautiful!!!

  2. Lydia, I thought you looked just beautiful in this video. You are blessed to have enough hair that it can tumble gracefully over your shoulder like that, and your blouse and cardigan looked so soft and feminine. I wonder if you would mind sharing where your outfit came from?

    I listened to this video while I used up the first of this year's garden harvest - I made some beet kvass (naturally fermented beet juice) and also a chocolate zucchini cake. I'm hoping that the squash bugs don't get my zucchini plants this year, as I find the home grown variety tastes so much better than the zucchinis from the store, which sometimes taste bitter.

    I appreciate your frequent reminders on how to maintain a feeling of peace in my life. This is always important, but right now it's extremely important, and you are doing a truly good work in helping others to maintain peace in the midst of the storm. :)

  3. The crochet sweater and blouse came from Chadwicks, a catalog in the mail or online. This year the summer catalog had some beautiful crochet cardigans. You can sometimes find similar items in Costco.

  4. Thank you! I did look up Chadwicks and it looks like their website is closed down for a while. I'll have to remember to check them out when they reopen.

  5. Dear Lady Lydia,

    Thank you for being a friend. A Friend to listen to.

    I listened to your broadcast yesterday as I drove home from doing the

    The scriptures at the beginning were very fortifying as well as the
    whole talk.

    Warm regards and a Smile,


  6. Dear Lydia,
    Thank you for the reading of the Scriptures at the beginning of your video...whatever I am doing I stop and listen attentively, encouraged by God's Word.
    I do not mind you talking about the conditions we are finding ourselves going through...I like it that I can come here and find common ground that I agree with completely, and it is helpful to talk it out. Thank you for the link to Peggy Hall, also a breath of common sense and truth for sure.
    I am thankful for residing in one of four counties in my state where the police/sheriff have made the point of saying they will not enforce the mask wearing, yet most do wear masks in my town. My husband, daughter, and I do not. Because I live in the south and the police/sheriff departments are actively protecting historical statues, along with dealing with protesters bused in from other cities...they are stretched. Our church is praying for them and will be taking cookies and dropping them off tomorrow to let know many are praying and supporting them!
    I am enjoying your hymns too. What comfort is ours! And, I must go back and watch "China Cry"; I have forgotten so much.
    I fixed a batch of meatballs and spaghetti sauce for tonight's supper while I listened. It was as if I had a friend visiting!😊

  7. The glaring is called "Mask Shaming." While I believe everyone has the freedom to wear one, I think they should give me freedom not to wear one. Tonights X22 Report (the political one) talks about how ineffective the masks are, according to the medical world and research, and how they are used to keep the fear going. I had to quit making eye contact with people. I just behave very business like and get out as quickly as possible. It is sad that our enjoyment and celebration of the market is dampened and the employees feel estranged from the shoppers. Our country was known for friendliness in the market place, from hotels to shops, and all public places. We are in the middle of a very very hot summer, a time when viruses die off with sun exposure and yet the media keeps the fear going.


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