Thursday, August 13, 2020

Reading Aloud from Booker T. Washington


Hello Ladies,

I hope you get something done while you listen today.

In the radio broadcast I spoke of a dress I just completed and will supply some of the details for you later.  The fabric is from Hobby Lobby and has a Queen Anns Lace print.
The dress is a Simplicity pattern which I re-designed a little to resemble a Western type costume I had seen on Pinterest. The hat is from a Butterick vintage style pattern. I'll try to include pictures of the patterns later.

I have been making a lot of these hats lately and thought I might attempt to include my own personalized version of a  pattern for them--one that I made up, and step by step instructions, in another post (someday).

I have not finished the inside of this one yet, as it needs a binding over the inside seam.

Here is a bouquet of Queen Ann's Lace which grows wild outside, and I've placed it next to the print of the fabric. You can see the rick-rack trim on the sleeve here, as well as in the neckline. 

I figured out how to get a full length picture of myself wearing the dress:


  1. I thought you might like to hear an actual recording of Booker T Washington.

  2. Thank you. I listened to it. What a well spoken man!!!!!! I added the link to the current post today. I have much more to read about him and it is so inspiring. After doing the last couple of videos I kept reading the book and wishing I had read more aloud. He talked about how much the students enjoyed the life of having regular meals, learning to make their beds and taking lessons in polite speaking etc. It sounded like a refinement course. He said they loved to learn deep subjects but he told them it would do them no good if they didn't learn how to interact with people, etc. Good lessons for everyone, and the home school children loved them.

  3. It's nice to see one of your sewing projects! It's been a while. I would like to see you finish off the bottom with ribbon over the white part of the lace. The part that has the lace attached to it.

  4. Lynn, although this is a costume, I decided to shorten it and take off the lace so I could wear it. The hem trim just isn't practical on farmland and in the things I have to do around here, it collects all the thorny vines etc. But I enjoyed having it for a few minutes in its original form.

  5. I love the pink fabric. The dress looks very nice. I'm not much for hats, since I don't go out much.. a baseball cap will cover all my hair and I got the cutest one when I was in Alaska last year.
    Miserable heat and humid here, and there is smoke in the air. Might have to dig out the old inhaler and keep it at the ready. Though we aren't near the fires, they are */- 50 miles in both directions, the smoke does come and linger. Not to mention ash fall on the cars.
    All are well here, I'm irritating the cat by pulling her toy rope. Small pleasures.

  6. Hey Ann,'

    Yeah, right? Same here! Looks like a desert outside. A fire down the end of our road. Hats mess up my hair but I make them to match just for fun, or for a picture. Having to shade my face and eyes a lot more these days

  7. Dear Lydia,

    I am stopping by here on this past post to let you know how much I enjoyed listening to your reading from the book,
    Up From Slavery by Booker T. Washington. I put back in my mind how I wanted to order this book so I could enjoy reading it myself, and sharing with others too. Just this week I was listening to Praeger University's Book Club and this was the book!( If you are not familiar with Praeger University I give it a five star rating). Now I can say the book is ordered and on its way thanks to you reading parts of this book to me....and others too, of course!😊

  8. Cathy I have been thinking how we must somehow keep this book in print, keep it distributed, keep it alive, because the PC crowd doesn't want anyone to know how to come up from anything.


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