Monday, September 07, 2020

Good, Better, Best

Hello Ladies,

The new video is at the end of this post, and here is the poem I recited for the "lesson":

Never let it rest
Til your good is better,
And your better, best.

Tea cup: Brew to a Tea

Fabric: Brother and Sister Designs sold by Hobby Lobby

Dark pink gingham check for ruffle: 100% cotton from Hobby Lobby


Pattern: McCalls 6958
 I used a sleeve from a different pattern 

Note about piping on necklines: It has to be sewn between the facing and the main piece when sewing on the facing because it will buckle and not have a smooth look. It cannot be "added" after the garment is sewn, if you want the desired results.


  1. I enjoyed visiting with you today, and I did get some housework done at the same time.

    I also enjoyed the book you read. I remember my mom buying the Little Golden books for me when we'd go to the grocery store. She said she read them to me so often that I had mostly memorized them before I learned to read.

    I hope you have a wonderful week. :-) Take care.

  2. I think your hair looks very pretty! Good job and I appreciate your calm humor about it. The subtle layers look so nice!

  3. Dear Lydia,
    Thank you for another inspiring post. Your hairstyle and your dress are lovely, and the book "Little Mommy" is like fresh air. You wouldn´t believe what kind of dirty, terrible books are given to children nowadays, to "normalize" certain behaviours. That´s social engineering, I say to myself, because if they were normal, why would it be necessary to teach society otherwise? Clean readings and beautiful illustrations are so important. Godly women are doing an invaluable good to the world by what we could call the ministry of beauty. Creating little spaces of purity, cleanliness and honesty in this dark, manipulative, lying world has become more necessary than ever. Keeping innocence and goodness as much as possible, and as soon as possible, before our children go out there to be confronted for their faith.
    Thanks for reminding us that it can be done sweetly and beautifully.

  4. Thank you for the wonderful video. It's so nice to be encouraged as I go about my work. I get so wrapped up listening and before I know it, I'm done!

    I just love the book you read! I will absolutely be hunting one down for my granddaughter. She loves nothing more than playing "mommy" and it will be so nice to read her a book that encourages her natural desires.



  5. Dear Lydia,

    I, too, think your hair looks great! And the dress is beautiful! I love how your tea cup matches it!

    I thought your readers might be interested in reading the full story of When Queens Ride By. You said you read it in a previous video, but that must have been before I found you. I have that story on my blog, and here is the link if anyone is interested.

    Also, I recently discovered "Little Mommy" in a Treasury of 9 Little Golden Book stories. I wrote about the book and the sisters-in-law (the author and illustrator) at the very end of this post. I like peeking into authors' lives, and thought you might, too.

    Thanks for all you do for us, and for your encouragement to keep on task.

    May God bless you,

  6. I really appreciate these links Janine. I’ll try to include them on the post. I think I labeled the video with “When Queens Ride By” but no clue where it is. The search area will bring it up.

  7. Regarding Little Mommy, are you aware of an equivalent book for boys? Or any Little Golden Book close to that subject for boys?

  8. We Help Mommy, and We Help Daddy both feature boys and girls helping around the house.

  9. I appreciate Lydia and this blog so much ... and all the comments made by so many wise and lovely women! Thank you from PA! ♥️

  10. Dear Lydia,

    Thank you for the effort and time you put into broadcasting another episode of homemaker’s radio. I enjoy them SO MUCH!!😊

    I was elated to hear you read from “Little Mommy.” It has to be one of my favorites. I have purchased several copies through the years to give as gifts. My Sunday school class of 3-5 year olds loves for me to read this story to them; especially appropriate on the Sunday of
    Mother’s Day.🙂

    Your dress, cup, mantel scarf, flower bouquet, and picture were a delightful sight to behold as well. May God continue to bless you and your work in producing these timeless Homemaker Radio editions.


  11. Thank you for reading The Little Mommy. I had memorized that poem because out of over 50 Golden Books my daughter had she insisted I read that book to her no less the 7 times a day. By the time she could say words, I would turn the page and she would repeat the portion for each picture. Pretty soon she had the whole poem memorized.
    I bought a book for each great grand daughter also. History repeated itself again.
    Janet Westrup

  12. Lydia, I have to say your new hairstyle looks really youthful and fresh. Also, I was so, so happy to hear you read Little Mommy to us. That was my daughter's absolute favourite - I have it memorized since I read it so many times - and I have to agree the illustrations are very charming. Feel free to read a children's book again to us, some time. :)


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