Friday, September 18, 2020

Rain at Last, Homemade Home Decor, Tea Station


Hello Everyone,

We are getting some rain here and the smoke smell is gone. This was the first heavy, adequate rain in this part of Oregon for almost 5 months. 

Today I am sharing some pictures from the Manse, of homemade pumpkins that create some bright spots.  My pumpkins did not grow well this year so I got out old worn out towels, worn clothing and other interesting textiles to make these pumpkins.   I created the ones in the first picture to reflect the colors of the painting behind the wicker settee. 

The mint/sage green ones are from worn out towels.

These next ones I made from some satin scraps of fabric I have had in the sewing stash for more than 20 years, and it feels good to finally use it. Although I don't recommend keeping supplies "forever", this really has been a good thing in my case, since I'm trying not to go out or spend money on fabric.  For you crafters who want details of this project, Dollar Tree had burlap wired ribbon in the craft section and I cut the wire off for the tendrils, using the burlap for the stems of these beauties:

Old toys are good props for this, and in the Manse where space is scarce, toys can be used for containers and corner fillers ;-) It doesn't suit everyone but I like it.

One of my children gifted me with this ceramic sheep back in the day and 
I keep it out, always. It looks nice with the background picture and the
two little satin pumpkins.

The dark green ones are made from an old table runner of brocade, also from the dollar store.

Current sewing project here:

Cinnamon sticks smell so nice after all the smoke.

Platters and plates of several sizes were used as patterns to trace around on the fabric. After cutting the circles, hand-stitch around the outer edge of the circles and pull up to gather, stuffing with fiberfill before sewing the opening shut. Then, insert a cinnamon stick, or a piece of wood, or twist a stem from brown paper. 

One of the five refreshment centers I have placed around The Manse:

Another display behind a chair:

To save on space, I sometimes use toys in my decor for the delight factor and as containers for other things: books, florals, even rocks and sea shells.

Another toy that is not in the way when used for pumpkins:

This is an older photo that has been posted before but I couldn't resist including a cup of hot tea:

I hope to be back here pretty soon with a new message for all of you who are so busy at home.


  1. Thanks for sharing the idea of sewing pumpkins in colors that match your decor, and the cinnamon stick idea! I like the burlap from the Dollar Tree too. Everything looks nice and cozy for the fall season!

  2. Absolutely darling! Thanks for sharing! So glad to hear about the rain, too. An answer to so many prayers. Janine

  3. Julie I plan a picture tutorial for this craft.

  4. Those pumpkins are beautiful! I love the accent of the burlap trendles. And I am in love with the green couch cover. It looks like a matilse (?). I have a cream one, but would love to find it in green for the winter season. I found my at a consignment shop, so I wouldn't know where to look, I will have to watch for that. Thank you for sharing the inclusion of the toys. It brings a light and playful spirit to the room. That is a wonderful idea!

    Seasons are changing and it takes me a bit to change out our clothes, decor and menu. I am not so great at it, but it's fun to putter around with it all.

  5. I will look forward to seeing that pumpkin tutorial!

  6. You sure have been busy! Your pumpkins are so cute. I made a few of those a couple of years ago at a craft night at church - thanks for reminding me, I need to dig them out of the attic and make a display somewhere. I think I need more tables though, because I don't seem to have enough surfaces where I can put decorative objects.

  7. I love the variety of little pumpkins you have made! What a sweet idea! So thankful the rain has cleared your air!!

  8. I enjoyed seeing your home from new to me angles. Lovely!
    Blessings from Harvest Lane Cottage,
    I've been listening to your videos a lot.


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