Saturday, October 03, 2020

Beautiful Days

This is the yard on the south corner of The Manse, which is recovering nicely from the smoke and fires. God sent rain in abundance and the land is looking good.

Eventually I want to make a video tour of The Manse and the surroundings. Also I am gathering my notes for another radio talk so you can get your kitchen cleaned up without knowing it 

Right now I will share a photo or two
Crafty pumpkins 

I hope to talk with you soon.



  1. Send your rain down here please! We need a gully washer to clear last vestiges of smoke out of the air, and northern CA needs a break as well.
    Your pumpkins look cheery. I need to go to the market and find a small pumpkin for our mantle.

  2. Ann, it may be on its way .

  3. Would love a video tour! I'm so glad the skies are clear again at your beautiful place there!

  4. The fall painting is really nice!


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