Saturday, October 17, 2020

Homemaker Challenge #3 Motivation Ideas

All worthwhile endeavors at one time or another need motivation. 
My challenges today are designed to renew motivation in homemaking. 

Challenge # 4

Dress and appearance before anything!

1. Make a list of things that are possible to achieve, and follow it.
2. Choose some publications and books to look through that may help you regain interest.
3.Rearrange something, even if it is a small area of the home.
4. Find a 5 minute exercise to follow.  

Something I looked at today: 

Good quality publications by Hoffman Media


  1. I love the stretching video....thanks for alerting us to it!

  2. This kind of exercise is a great benefit for your personal motivation. It does something nice to your thinking! Makes you more upbeat and optimistic

  3. Dear Lydia,

    Thank you for all the motivational prompts. I incorporated them into my day and all has gone well!😊

    Firstly, I dressed in my heavier denim skirt and tackled planting spring bulbs, cleaning the garden, and raking leaves.Surprisingly, I had enough energy to make several flower arrangements from the last blooms of a Hydrangea bush. Next, I went to the YouTube channel and enjoyed the stretch exercises you suggested. Finally, I ended the day by viewing the princess home link... my, what creative ideas one can glean from these!

    Many thanks for helping me order my day. I like the home making challenges; it helped me have a good, productive day.

    Sent from my iPhone

  4. Lydia,

    Thank you so much for the video today. The Lord brought you into my life at just the right time, as this has been such a trying year and I so needed guidance in my day. We have completed our homeschooling as our young adults are 20 and 24, time flies. We made a long distance move from far north Idaho to El Paso TX. In late of October 2019, talk about a. BIG change. The Lord directed our steps here and getting adjusted has been hard. The Lord has given me such a wonderful “sister in Christ” through you as just when we started to find a church home the state of our world changed. Texas hasn’t been very cooperative to let people live in freedom for the past months so we’ve not been able to start to connect with our church or communities. We are naturally homebodies as we’ve loved being keepers of the home yet it has been tough, yep I’ve said that enough. Lydia, your videos help us women in ways on the Lord knows but you will know one day how you’ve been used for HIS glory. I’m getting long so will go. I look so forward to visiting with you online with each video.
    April in El Paso

  5. This is all good for me to consider For the content of future programs.we could all have a strong sense of well-being at home.

  6. First off... while listening to you, I made cookies, boiled and peeled eggs (12 of them), made biscuits. I pulled up carrots from our garden, cleaned and cut them for the chicken stew. Which I started making. This is dinner tonight.

    I really enjoy listening to you while I work. Time goes by so fast when I do.

    I think it's wonderful that you are making these videos for your family. I started blogging for my family! I never knew my grandmas, on both sides. I always have wanted to know what they did, how they felt, advice from them and just wanted to know what it was like for them. I think its really important to share everyday life history.

    Thank you! ❤

  7. I love the blue and white teacup (I love blue and white dishes in general), and your royal blue outfit also looks really nice on you - very classy. :)


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