Thursday, November 26, 2020

Finding Fuel for Homekeeping Energy, Homestead Book


Hello Everyone,

I hope you enjoy today's video.

 Cape I wore today.

Scripture I read: 
Psalm 68:19
Philippians 4:6-7

To purchase Just Breathing the Air:
Go to Donate, which will take you to Paypal. Leave a message that this is for the book, and leave your name and address. I will have a copy sent from the printing company.  The cost is now $38 and it is the same amount that I pay when I order a book for myself.

Go to my email, send me a message that you want the book, and leave your address. I will have a copy sent to you from the printer.

For those who are unable to get this book, please enjoy listening to it on previous posts.


  1. I enjoyed listening to this positive, encouraging talk while I cut out and sewed a new cushion for our couch. A friend had given me in a bag of odds and ends, half of a shower curtain that was very luxurious fabric with a pretty pattern of flowers and butterflies, so I thought it would look nice as a cushion. Also, I'm going to be sewing a lot of gifts for my family members over the next weeks, so I wanted to brush up my sewing skills with something small.

  2. Dear Lydia,

    I enjoyed listening to this wonderful talk the day after Thanksgiving. Yes, the Lord daily loads us with many benefits! I have been meditating on the scriptures found in Philippians 4:6-7. It is an immense comfort to know the results of obeying God through prayer and supplication with THANKSGIVING. It produces a peace which passes all understanding. I liked the analogy of reading these verses like a recipe and doing them in the order which God has instructed us. Thank you for all the encouragement you give Christian homemakers in exhorting them
    not to be idle, but rather continually working with all our might at home, making it the best place to be! You are right in saying we cannot control the world’s problems. However, we can control the atmosphere in our homes. The doom and gloom doesn’t need to take up residence there. I love the many reasons and reminders you share about dressing up for the day. It is a constant motivation for which I am grateful for. It always lifts the spirit to see your lovely capes and dresses that you have sewn as well. Another enjoyable broadcast, Lydia. I trust you had a joyful Thanksgiving Day with your family.


  3. I have been thoroughly enjoying listening to your videos while catching up on my hand sewing. The time passes so quickly! Thank you for your investment in making these videos, they are so uplifting and encouraging!

  4. Ladies I'm hoping to make a video today. Thank you for your comments and your interest. It keeps me going!

  5. Dear Lydia, I enjoyed your interesting video today. Your mention of commonplace books especially caught my attention. I hadn't heard the term before, and I spent a good while looking up articles about them. I suppose many of us have our own similar collections, not necessarily copied by hand anymore. The subject brought to mind some other things such as mottoes, hope chests, friendship quilt blocks, and stitch samplers, which may have been more popular in another time and place. Good points you made about keeping our values, staying encouraged, and having something to look forward to doing and hold back gloominess! I listened to you during my workday from home, even though I paused and came back to it several times. It is quiet mostly quiet all day, and your talk was good company. This time last year I liked to listen during my evening commute home, when it was cold and dark outside. Your pleasant voice and talks were my cup of tea! Alexine


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