Friday, November 13, 2020

Subscriptions for Loved Ones, "Unboxing" and Reading from Homestead

 Please join me today while you go about your home making:

What I Wore:

Coat dress I made a few years ago

The Unboxing

Special Issue:
Victoria Classics
Holiday Bliss


You can find all my videos at YouTube by typing in "Lydia Sherman."  You will know it is mine when you see a lot of tea cups there.

Be informed and encouraged with the X22 reports. Knowledge alleviates uncertainty.

Sign up for email notices. The report is every evening at 6 pm.


  1. The Christmas stairway looks so much like a cousin's from which she threw her bridal bouquet sooo many years ago. She was named after her poet ancestor, Elizabeth Barrett Browning....and went by the name of Barrie.

  2. Mrs. Sherman,
    Thank You so much for your Homemaker Radio series. I enjoy listening as I work and look forward to each one. I really enjoyed the unboxing of your gift from your Grandaughter. One of my fondest memories of my Grandmother is shopping at the little fabric shop in our hometown in Texas. It was in a little white house and so charming. It was so fun to look thru the pattern books and touch all of the beautiful fabrics. She was an excellent seamstress and made alot of my clothes. Even when I married and moved 3 hours away, she would mail dresses that she made for me. I loved the Laura Ashley dresses and could never afford them, so I would describe what I wanted and she would find a pattern and create the dress I had envisioned. Please continue your Homemaker series as I enjoy them so much and find so much encouragement in them.

  3. thank you for this post. How clever and industrious your granddaughter is.
    I look forward each day to listening to your posts. It is just like having a visitor. Ann

  4. Dear Lady Lydia, Thank you for this video. I always enjoy listening to you while I clean the house. My youngest daughter knows you by the teacup lady. I enjoyed your unboxing and wish you would do more when you receive a new package. Blessings.

  5. I do appreciate that you introduced me to the X22 report. I signed up for their email list some time ago so I didn't even realize they weren't on Youtube any longer. I listened to their last podcast from November 22nd today and I found it very encouraging. Without a more positive voice to listen to, I might be tempted to go to the fake news media for information, and then I can only imagine how much anxiety I would be experiencing.

    I'm glad to hear there's going to be another installment of Pioneer Ribbons! It's been a while since we got to enjoy that. :)

  6. Laura the November 23 videos are up now, and they are the best yet.


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