Tuesday, December 08, 2020

Personal Care a Priority For the Homemaker

Please enjoy listening while you go about your
daily homemaking routine.

This is the coat I wore today, which I made a few years ago. This year I hope to finish it by adding buttons and a lining. 

Corner view of the room I was in:

If you need more listening material, here are a few
political things you might like, as they offer a few details you won't get  on
news media, which explain what's behind it all, and give some reassurance.

Don't let the title of this video put you off, because it has an excellent testimony of Jenna Ellis talking to Charles Payne about her commitment to Christ and country:

Judicial Watch explains how things are working out.

X22 Report is now on Rumble and the recent episode is 2347b.  It is good research and its good listening too.  Look for 2347a on the same platform.


  1. Lydia, you are a jewel. My husband asked me yesterday why I haven’t listened to the nice lady that I like lately. He enjoys listening too! I listen while fixing dinner instead of news podcasts and such. I’m done with those because it’s caused what my doctor said were signs of ulcers. So now I listen to your older talks until a new one comes in!

    I still feel so angry about those bitter and soul-crushing women who attacked LAF so viciously. LAF helped me commit my life to bring what I am - a LADY. Sometimes when I search for your homeliving, their stuff comes up. I will forgive but it’s tough.
    God bless you

  2. Your coat is lovely, I really like the way you use color in your wardrobe and in your house. So cheery. All the best!

  3. You have a beautiful name. I love double names.

  4. Cheryl, those people moved on to aggravate other homemakers. Why they are so fascinated with people like us, I don't know.

  5. Dear Lydia,

    THANK YOU!! I am very blessed to be able to listen and learn from Homemaker Radio! I sincerely pray you will not get weary from making these videos because they keep us anchored, inspired, and encouraged... each and every one!!! The mini home tours are an extra special feature. You have taken ordinary things and arranged it so beautifully. I loved the idea of taking old scarves and using them as mantel covers, or as decorative touches on tables, dressers, etc...

    I stumbled upon this blog years ago, Lydia. I read so many encouraging posts, but I didn’t take the time to leave a comment. 😐Please forgive me. I am ashamed of myself for doing that since I was neglecting to voice my gratitude to the person God had literally placed in my life to help in so many areas. Today, because of your consistent teaching, I love dressing up and looking my best for the Lord, others, and the work I have in my home. What a difference a simple thing like dressing respectfully can make in your day.

    Have a wonderful rest of your week,Lydia. I feel ready and prepared for a great day at home.😊
    Blessings, Holly

  6. Thank you all for taking time out of your busy households to leave comments!!! I rarely have time to leave comments on anyone else's blog, so it I know the effort it takes.

  7. I know what you mean about your admiration for E.A. Guest, then to find out his membership of a group I can't agree with concerning beliefs. Still, "don't throw the baby out with the bathwater". Btw, I received your book last week. I haven't had time to read it through, but I'm getting there! Thank you for your videos. I sewed while listening today.

  8. Dear Lydia,

    Thank you for reading the lovely poems today. I was dusting all the bookshelves in the family room while listening today. You are so uplifting to me. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.


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