Saturday, January 23, 2021

Heart in the Routine

Today I discuss putting heart into homemaking.

Today's teacup:

Stechcol, Gracie Bone China

Illustrations from 1990's publication "Victorian Sampler"

I hope you will consider taking on some of my personal challenges to benefit from captivity, by coming out of the other side of it
Orderly in the Home

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  1. Dear Lydia,
    You look lovely in pale blue, and your teacup too! It is simply beautiful, as if telling us to look forward to spring.

    Your manse is such a cozy, delightful place. I live in a quite common semi-detached townhouse with a little patio that my American friends, used to enormous houses, would define as tiny. We, Europeans, are usually left astonished when looking at American houses, so huge for our sense of proportions, on films or TV.

    Well, I always dreamt of having a house with no neighbours on the other side of the wall, some day, but they´re so pricey! So we´ve lived in this home the good Lord provided for us for about 20 years now and, you know, I wouldn´t move anywhere else. I´ve been improving every little corner along the years and brought up our children here. Every corner has so many memories. It feels like home.
    Thank you for reminding me of some little Amish toys I had. They had been sleeping in a drawer for some years. They´re sitting on a wooden shelf now, so that I can enjoy their colours and simplicity!


  2. I bought many old toys for my home before I had a child. I decorated with them and as my son grew he would eventually notice them and had fun playing with them. I keep a playskool playhouse in my room that reminds me of the one when I was young playing house. I have a collection of Golden Books
    It's been fun to discover new ones at thrift stores and library sales over the years. We read them all many times in his younger years, and I still occasionally look through them, especially the ones by Eloise Wilkin and her sil Esther Willing.

  3. Hello Lydia - I listened to this talk while I made supper tonight. I enjoyed your discussion about using toys to decorate, and I agree it's a lovely idea that adds a pleasant youthful spirit to the home. It seems silly to decorate with toys when your children are small, because the house is covered in toys already anyway; but when my children are grown, I will be sure to decorate with a few toys.

    I smiled when you mentioned that porcelain dolls can break. My grandmother is 103 years old and she loves to tell the story of the only doll she ever had - a porcelain doll when she was small, back in the 1920s. She and her sister both got dolls, one with blonde hair and one with brown hair. Her sister broke her doll promptly, and she declared that "it wasn't fair" that my grandmother still had her doll, when the younger sister didn't any more. So she grabbed my grandmother's doll and smashed its head on the floor in between their beds. My grandmother laughs about it of course, but she says that it was so sad for her as a child, because that was the only doll she ever got, and there were no more after that. I don't know exactly what Heaven is like, of course...but I sure hope that when my grandmother gets there, and gets to see her own bedroom, her old doll will be waiting there on her bed!


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