Saturday, January 16, 2021

Preparation, Hospitality, and More

Please enjoy your home routine while you listen to today's talk:


  1. Oh just finished the 8 min ab standing work out with F over F Youtube video..
    was fun. she is just a bit above my speed, only missed a couple repeats .LOL
    thanks for your sharing .


  2. Lydia, your recent video posts have been very encouraging to me! I especially appreciated your discussion about various people in the Bible who were held in captivity and what they did during those times. I am 66 years old, and live all alone. Sometimes it's easy to succumb to the the thought, 'oh, it's only me here, I'm old, it doesn't matter how I look, or how my home looks, or how I spend my day, because it's only me'. Well, you certainly helped me get out from under that mindset! Also, due to the recent political and social upheaval in our country, I have given up watching and listening to any political propaganda, news/videos or commentary! I used to listen to that sort of stuff all the time! Then I wondered why I felt so anxious and on edge every single day! Now, I am only tuning into whatever is positive, of good report, beautiful, encouraging, and will help me grow as a person and as a homemaker! You are my number one 'go-to' person for daily encouragement, motivation and inspiration! Thank you so much for all the efforts you put into your video presentations and your blog post! May God bless you and your family greatly! Thank you so much! Julia ps: Lydia, might you consider doing a video that speaks to women such as myself who are older and live all alone? Could you suggest ways that we can 'up our game' and enhance our daily lifestyle? For instance, when eating alone, to set a lovely table and dine there, instead of eating on the sofa in front of the TV! Or can you suggest various little ways for us to bring loveliness and gracious living into our daily lives?? It's so very easy to start feeling invisible and get into a rut in all ways of living! Thank you!

  3. I love the Back to Basics book! I've referred to it many times. The last time I used it was last spring, when we decided to make maple syrup from our big maple tree. It's not a sugar maple, but it still worked, and the resulting syrup was not too bad!

  4. Just backing up what Lady Julia said....with all the craziness going on politically it's been too easy to get distracted and anxious. But your videos are so helpful in reminding me to focus on doing God's will and taking care of what He has given me in my home. Thank you for the time and effort you put into this!

  5. Mrs. Sherman,
    How wonderful to have found your You-Tube channel!
    I too have a channel devoted to Homemaking.
    Thank you for providing these talks. They are so encouraging.
    Take good care,

    Lindy Sellers

  6. "Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect."
    Romans 12:2

    When I read this verse, I stopped and instantly thought of you, Mrs. Sherman!

    Your perseverance to teach us to start our days properly; to homeschooling us in our civil rights; to even showing us how to enjoy a cup of tea, it has been quit the education.

    Peace be with you!


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