Wednesday, February 03, 2021

A New Word for the Home

Please enjoy your home life today while you listen. I have a new word for you: Happiosity. It comes from another new word of mine, which is "happious."  It needed to be invented, because it is awkward to use "happy" or "happiness" in some sentences.  It means "filled with happiness." This day was so happious. Those people are filled with happiosity.

Some of the gift I unboxed for you today:

What I wore at home today: above, with apron, below,
with jacket.

Detail of blouse:

Tea set by "Elegance" purchased from Marshalls and Ross, both "seconds" or "reject" discount stores.


  1. I so look forward to your chats with us! I try to save new talks until time to make dinner because you make it go so quickly and pleasantly for me. The other day I had some of your chat left so I got the stove all scrubbed and super-clean while listening. Thank you for the podcast recommendations - I just cannot listen to the current events and news things that I used to listen to, so I loved hearing about what you’re listening to. And I WILL get started on the exercise, I really will! Keep reminding me. PLEASE! Your listeners love you very much.

  2. I listened to this talk while I ground some whole wheat flour with my hand-crank grain mill. I had a hard time with it because the clamp doesn't stay properly on any of my tables or counters - very frustrating.

    What a lovely apron! It's hard to find aprons that properly cover the upper part of your clothing like that.

    It's a funny coincidence that you showed us that "Book of Country Wisdom" - because only about an hour before I listened to this talk I was looking for country style decorating books on my library website - and I saw that book, and was considering it. I didn't end up putting it on hold, but maybe I will next time.

  3. Dear Lydia, I always enjoy your videos , get so much done, and am inspired by them. you are one creative and wise lady! Speaking of 'lady', I recently realized one reason I especially like watching and listening is that you are LADY, something so rare in our world today.
    I began exercising the first of the year, very simple 10 minutes plus a nice stretch at the end , and oh I feel so much better. I turned 72 recently and this has been my gift to myself.

    Thank you for taking the time and great effort to talk to us, your hidden friends.

  4. I am listening to you right now. You mentioned ideas for your talks. I would love to know more about how you organize your sewing projects, your fabrics, notions, and such.

    I also look forward to ironing together one day. Yes, I'm the one who suggested you talk while you're ironing some time.

    Sending you a hug!

    Laura Lane
    Harvest Lane Cottage

    P.S. If you'd like to correspond by mail, please send me your address at .

  5. Simple Country Wisdom is one of my favorite books! I also like to change my decor monthly (I inherited so much!). I esp love linens, towels, and bedspreads. I like to decorate with a string of lights on my front room drapes, as well. Loved this video! I folded laundry and cleaned the bathroom while listening. Thanks!

  6. I like textiles too.

  7. Lydia, I liked that you suggested decorating with those little fairy lights.I've been thinking about them for a while now, so I'll have to get some.I might hang them over my large pictures,or over some curtains.Also,thank you for showing us the lovely gifts you receive.It almost made me feel like they were for me.haha Donna

  8. I just always love to see your combinations of tea items, wardrobing, and encouragement! I need to catch up on the videos while I do some housework over the next week. Thank you for always inspiring me.

  9. Dear Mrs. Sherman~
    What a lovely outfit you wore today. I am wearing a navy button front blouse with little white dots and a long dark denim skirt and white tennis shoes. I think back to the times when I have been mocked by neighbors and women because I rarely leave home and I don’t wear pants or leggings. I’ve added “ live your values” as you said to my little notebook of special words from Lady Lydia. And I’m going to wear a big smile too! Tonight I scrubbed out two skillets, loaded the dishwasher, scrubbed the sink, ran a wet cloth over the kitchen floor and put in a load of laundry. Thank you for everything dear lady!
    With love Lauren


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