Sunday, February 14, 2021

Home - a Retreat

Hello Dear Ladies,

Please enjoy your work at home while you listen:

The hand-bound and sewn Bible I showed:

Scriptures I quoted:

Luke 16:11
The account of Noah: Genesis chapters 6 through 10


  1. Hi Miss Lydia,

    My name is Rafika Vann and I am in St Johns, Florida. I have been listening to your videos for about a year now after I found you by accident and binged-watched you that first entire week. I am completely fascinated by your accounts of home-making and appearance and manners in general. It is so refreshing to hear an older woman really living out Titus 2. We do not get that at all these days, even from church. I love our church and our children's programs but the older ladies, unfortunately, many have careers and don't really delve into home-making like we need these days. So I am really quite smitten by you and your gentleness and I have since incorporated many of your teachings "from the olden days" (as you call it so light-heartedly) into my life. I especially appreciate your teachings on not letting the current political situation get to us as home-makers, because that is REALLY difficult these days, especially if you have small children like me and have to be aware of policies and legislation dealing directly with school-aged children. I just wanted to say THANK YOU for being here, for women like me who are not getting your teachings elsewhere really, and to PLEASE do not stop doing what you are doing. It has made a big difference in my life. I feel like I am at home when I watch your videos and they have got me through many days of cleaning and organizing. I have organized all of the closets (and purged them as well) while listening to you! :-) Mu husband has noticed that many times I am watching your videos while grooming myself in the bathroom, and he actually appreciates that this makes me so happy :-) So again, THANK YOU MA'AM, and please give our regards to "Mr. S" as well!!! God Bless you and do enjoy the rest of your day and I look forward to your next video!!

  2. Thank you Lydia for your encouraging words in your vlog today - with all the chaos that is going on around us all right now - you gave me hope & some peace in my heart which I've really needed in this past year!! So thanks bunches for that!!! God Bless & cheers from Brisbane Australia!!

  3. Rafika, this is high recommendation and I appreciate it---it motivates me. Thank you for the time you took to write a long and sincere comment. I love reading what people write and I hope more people will leave comments. I do plan to talk more about politics, in a way that will give us all courage and rest.

    Flossy, I love you Australians. Some day on the vlog I will tell the story of how we happened to live there and what has transpired since then.

    To both of you, I love your names!!

  4. Lydia,
    Like Rafika, I, too, found your blog by "accident," though I believe it was providential.
    Thank you SO MUCH for what you're doing, and I echo others' sentiments and encouragement by saying, PLEASE CONTINUE! Your homemaker radio is a gift from God, a true blessing especially during these times. I only wish I'd had your homemaker radio when I stepped out of the corporate world to begin my stay-at-home mom adventures, and later, homeschooling. BUT, I'm learning a lot of what I didn't know then, and I intend to pass it on my our daughter, and God willing, my grandchildren.

    Everything you talk about, from caring for the home, witnessing your Christian faith, to the state of the world and on, are captivating, uplifting, encouraging, interesting and SO much appreciated. Because of homemaker radio, I'm calmer, enthusiastic about doing laundry (seriously, never thought that could happen!), a better meal planner and tidier in my home (my husband says thank you!), and our homeschool library now boasts 4 new vintage poetry books by Edgar A. Guest (he is a treasure!)

    You are a delight, a breath of joy, and a Godsend, truly. Your husband, children, grandchildren and friends are soooo blessed to know you in person. I'm grateful to know you via homemaker radio and your blog. Thank you for homeschooling us, encouraging us, and loving on us as a dear mother and sister in Christ. You are in my prayers. GOD BLESS YOU!

    With love in Christ,
    Patti Schmidt
    Davenport, Iowa

    P.S. I love listening to you read from your book about your life in've inspired me to begin writing about my own childhood memories. Bravo!

  5. Lovely to hear from you Patti, makes me think I could do a video every day and add a post. Maybe. Its my goal.

  6. Wow what inspiring comments! I enjoyed reading them. I listened with fascination as I loaded the washer,got dressed, and worked in the kitchen. I miss the days of having a little one and doing things like pretending to be on the ark. One day we measured how long the ark would be. It was from the top of our street to below our house, and so wide it would touch our front door and the door across the street. We have a wonderful book, The True Story of Noah's Ark by Tom Dooley with beautiful illustrations by Bill Looney. It also comes with a cd and a fold out panorama of the ark. At the end it shows how the ark could hold 522 railroad cars... enough for all animals, water, food, living space, a range to walk in, an aviary... it's a fantastic book! Enjoyed today's broadcast and the lovely pictures. Janine

  7. I enjoyed all the pretty things you showed us today! The heart pillow, the bedding, the aprons - and that hand-bound Tyndale Bible is wonderful! What a treasure.

  8. I ESPECIALLY LOVED and enjoyed (especially because I got a lot out of
    it) the part about Noah, the ark, the family, plans/principles, worth,
    the world and influence!



    Ladies I'm getting ready to make another post soon.

  9. Every comment on here said my own heart and thoughts so much!! I don't thank you enough, Lydia, for the peace I've found on here (while yet remaining a gentle challenge to always be better!). You are a blessing and so is this community of women you have brought together. God bless you.❤️

  10. What a delight to see that you are touching ladies from all over the world with your sweet videos! They are so motivating. I've felt myself change as I've listened to them for quite some time now. I don't know if I've heard them all, but I've heard some of them more than once! They don't get old.

    To improve myself while in captivity, I've been listening through the Bible, learning new knitting skills, writing letters, and studying Spanish with Duolingo. I also listen to you as I work. Now that I'm feeling stronger after my surgery, I can do more around the house. Today, I plan to do some ironing. I don't make a pile, I hang the things in the closet, but if I made a pile to be ironed, nearly everything in my husband's closet would be in the pile!

    Blessings to you dear sister in the LORD,
    Laura Lane
    Harvest Lane Cottage

  11. Dear Lydia,
    While listening I prepared dinner. I made shrimp with rice and green beans. You have such a flare for home decoration- I admire your style and share many of the same likes as you! I love how you referred to the “plan” and had your Bible right beside you. You truly “reflect heaven” in your videos. Such a blessing-thank you always!


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