Sunday, May 09, 2021

Before the Cleanup

pastures we passed

Hello everyone, 

Our luxury train trip was extended from two days to five. There were 9 passengers which I accommodated in 4 luxury cabins and three sleeper cars.

During one of our scheduled stops, some of the passengers took an off-train excursion to visit friends in the vicinity.

While they were out, the other passengers and I “righted” the accommodations after a very active schedule on board.

Before the cleanup that evening, I caught a few snapshots of the original messes for your viewing.

The lounge car:

We stopped near an obliging field so one of the passengers could farm.  I don't think he was ever really off that tractor. He even ate some of his meals while sitting there. 

Below: not on the itinerary of arts and crafts on the antique train trip, but a smart young man created the most marvelous paper planes which I am still finding at the top of curtains and ledges. Was he trying to tell me something?

There was the most marvelous bird-watcher guest who stayed in this cabin while conducting his online business,  and he got up early to stand on the observation deck while the train was sitting still, to photograph colorful wildlife and florals.

This appears to be a brush rabbit. I am told it is rare to see one
in this area, but there is one that sits near the door in the morning.

We also get the "Mad March Hares" once in awhile, but
they haven't come around this year.   Rabbits are not normally
part of the wildlife here. 

We don’t call these “craft materials.” These are construction supplies. Great things were created from this box.

Favorite activities of the younger set.

It is always nice to arrive before the cleanup begins, and see the evidence of a meal taken on real dinnerware:

Publications perused by some of the lovely ladies aboard the train.

The most beautiful tea party was put on for me in the dining car by some of the guests but I didn't get pictures!!! I was busy sampling everything. 

As part of the "working holiday" fee substitute for the fare, the passengers repaired and fixed a number of things to help this old place serve us all better. I got a new doorknob, a new showerhead, a microphone for my broadcasts, and a donated printer all connected to my computer so that I don't have to send out printing to someone else. One of the energetic guests cleaned up the garden from the winter debris and got it ready for planting. They want to be sure there is food when they return for the next luxury vacation. 

Tickets were collected by the steward from my paper stash of scrapbook days:

 One of the passengers made my steward hat. Very creative how he used office supplies of pens and brads, with gemstone stickers.

This luxury trip got us all to thinking of the many other things a house could be used for to lighten the hearts of loved ones in these weird times.
 I am already thinking miles ahead of future vacations.

I hope to be talking to you again very soon.

A big thank you to those who regularly contribute. The food expenses for this "luxury train trip" were neatly covered by your sacrificial donations last month! The passengers thank you. The cook thanks you. 



  1. Oh, how positively delightful. A home filled with love and creativity can satisfy many. ❤️

  2. Wow Lydia - such amazing pics - really loved seeing them all!! Look like you all had a blast together too!!

  3. Good to have you back with us. I know you had a fun trip and we are looking forward to hearing all about it. Love the tractor and hearing about the young farmer😊
    Janet W.

  4. The enlargements of the pictures worked out beautifully.

  5. It sounds like everyone had alot of fun.
    You are so creative and energetic.
    What a wonderful way to get your family together. ❤

  6. Dear Lydia,

    I loved the photos taken by the budding photographer in your family. The pictures of wildlife, birds, and flowers have always appealed to me. I spotted the Fisher Price doll house van in the picture gallery too. The children who come to visit at my house love playing with that. Judging by the photos and your train reports, I’d say your grandchildren are as creative as you. It was such a delightful blog post. Thank you.


  7. Thank you all. Holly, I could sure use a different set of tunes on that van horn.

  8. The tractor was great but they liked to leave the motor noise on.

  9. Very nice pictures! I´m so glad you had a great time together. What a beautiful family! Thanks for sharing dear Lydia, we can´t wait to hear of your adventures together in the train. God bless you greatly. Love xoxo. Maria.

  10. How fun! I enjoyed your excursion so much I told my husband we should ride that train! Thank you for sharing.

  11. I recently returned from my first trip "out west", part of which was a long train ride from Seattle to Eugene. I must have passed nearby--the scenery was simply gorgeous!!

  12. Texas Mom: yes it is gorgeous and so is Texas in many areas!! We have our desert places and dry interior, as well as the coastal regions. I hope you got to see a lot of it.


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