Sunday, June 06, 2021

We Do Many Things in the Home

Please enjoy your home during this Homemaking Radio broadcast. Possibly you can get one or two jobs finished during the video.

Things I talked about on the broadcast:
Someone picked parsley, sage, thyme and mint from their garden and brought it to me. I think this is such a good thing for a gift. Roses also are great from the garden, and have a beautiful scent. You can keep the fallen petals and put them in a dish for more scent.  I once received a package from someone which, rather than being packed with styrofoam pieces or plastic padding, was poured over into the spaces with dried rose buds!!!
My little ones enjoyed using old fashioned construction paper and chalk as an old fashioned chalk board project.  A tissue was used as an eraser. 

Newsletter from Amy, On the Journey

Books used in home education that are "Christ centered":
Learn about sentence structure, spelling and writing, with sentences containing good values and lofty, character-building thoughts.

I also mentioned the play, "When Queens Ride By" and found a place where you could print your own copy: HERE

What I wore:

All cotton dress. Cost of materials
aproximately $25
Close up of the print--birds and feathers. Material was
also available in aqua, yellow and peach.

Thank you for listening today. Hopefully I will "see" you here more often as I try to post in a timely manner!


  1. Oh Lydia my heart wants to sing seeing your pink dress. It’s so you!
    I’m listening to your blog and on hearing the part about your art critic, the same thing happened to me and I want to share what I learned. It’s times like this we need to remember what the Lord says about the armor of God and flaming arrows. Ephesians 6:16- the shield of faith. Roman shields were thick heavy leather and to put out flaming arrows shot at them, the shields were soaked in water so they would not catch fire thus protecting the soldier. The spiritual shield needs to be soaked in the water of the Word of God. Remember who we are in Christ and his love for us.
    When criticism comes our way I learned to remember who I am in Christ and what he did for me, also his mighty promises. Then I don’t receive the lies or flaming arrows of the enemy. Have a ready scripture stored up to use like Jesus did in the desert.
    Hope this helps. Bless you Lydia, I love being Homeschooled by you!💐
    Janet W.

  2. Thank you Jan, you are a nice friend! I was more amused at the comment than offended. Critics today cannot do the very things they are critical of. Do you think the art critics and the book critics and the movie critics are all artists, writers and actors. I don't think they've walked a mile in anyone's shoes. Thank you for the good history lesson about the shields!! Maybe that's what our mothers meant when they told us to let it fall off like water of a duck's back. I understand also there were sandals with lanterns on them, to light stoney paths in darkness, and that is what "a lamp unto my feet" was referring to. If I were better acquainted with these figures of speech, I would do a broadcast on it.

  3. Hi Miss Lydia!! I am so glad to see and hear you again! AS always your comments are so very edifying. I appreciated especially several of your more recent comments in recent posts about relishing at home and not taking in all of the social ills that the media would have us to take in if we allow it to. We cancelled cable long ago and I have recently been spending alot less time on facebook. It is all just too much and sometimes I truly feel like we are in the twilight zone or that some of the things that I learn about have been made up due to the sheer un-Godliness of it all. Keeping focused on God's truth and my young children are keeping me joyful and I have been able to focus on keeping my home pretty!! Here in Florida we have a great Governor and I never truly realized the importance of strong local government until now! But even without that keeping my eyes on Christ is what is keeping the joy and hope in my heart. Thank you again ma'am for you are an inspiration and please make more videos!!!

  4. Dear Lydia, I miss reading your write ups. I am glad you have added written text to the home radio. Much appreciated. Regards, Barbra from Uganda. Been reading your blog since 2010.

  5. Barbra, it’s good to hear from you. Writing is a lot more time consuming but I will be mindful of the need for it in future posts.

  6. Rafika, as always your comments are very thoughtful and I wish I had tge spiritual insight when I was your age.

  7. Lady Lydia, I am delighted to have a new video to carry along as I go about my work today. I have enjoyed your ideas for hospitality for overnight guests; I can’t wait to try it myself. Thank you for the mention. It is a great honor when you share my newsletter with your ladies. I have been a bit behind and just today got the May issue posted to my blog.

  8. Dear Lydia, I enjoyed this talk very much. I really liked your discussion of the "cottage core" style. I have been trying to find a book on that topic but my library has nothing, nor could I find the book you mentioned in the last talk online for some reason. But I understand the idea of it, and to me it sounds like a return to the way things were in the past, when society was not so prosperous and women made due with what they had.

    In my mind, this way is better because belongings are more special, women have to be more creative, and things are not thrown out so casually. I have been thinking that with all the talk of inflation and rising prices, and the instability in society, it seems likely that a time will come when we will all have to learn to keep our homes simply and humbly like women did in the past. We'll have to make our own decorations because we may not be able to afford buying them. For me, it seems like a positive thing to feel thankful for a bunch of home grown herbs tied with a ribbon, rather than spending $10 at the grocery store for a bunch of commercially grown flowers.

    By the way, I really liked your bunch of herbs, and it gave me the idea to make an arrangement of herbs for my kitchen table today. Now that the irises and peonies are done, I have no fresh flowers for a while but I do have various herbs in abundance. I'll put them in a mason jar with a strip of calico cloth tied in a bow, for a country style flair. :)

  9. Dear Mrs Sherman,

    I have been following your blog for many years now, I think I first found you when you were writing for the LAF website. You have been such a constant source of encouragement for me as I continue to learn and grow in my role as homemaker. You are a true Titus 2 woman, encouraging the younger women after you. Your videos are so soothing and along with the word of God, they help to re-centre my mind and heart. In a video recently mentioned about how we should do our schooling about business quietly. It made me think of the Amish people who have been allowed to school their children the way they wish and the quiet lives they need. I hope you will continue to make these videos for a long time. Your sister in Christ, Lisa

  10. Lisa, so great to hear from you!

    Laura, I heard on someone’s video recently who doesn’t give to goodwill or vinnies anymore but offers it on the curb by the side of the road for free

  11. I am in my 50's, and I lost my job as a government employee at a large coroner's office last January. I was driving 100 miles a day for nearly 7 years. I am now a homemaker and love it. It took over a year just to heal from what I went through. I pet sit occasionally, volunteer 4 hours a week at a Christian Pregnancy Center and have a small Etsy shop now and it is plenty. Your "home school" lessons have been so wonderful to me and have helped the isolation. I signed up for a painting class, and recently bought a sewing machine to relearn what I knew from years ago. My husband is a truck driver and can be gone for over a week at a time so I am alone most days. Thank you so much for all the lessons and I just wanted to say I appreciate it!

    1. What a sweet testimony. I’m glad you are home and able to make your home and serve where you’re needed. I will pray for you.

    2. I loved your story. We go through hardships sometimes to come into a better life!

  12. You cannot imagine what a blessing you are to me! I am writing a quick note here from my second-grade classroom as I clean up, put everything away, and get ready for my lovely summer at home. Each year I strive to make home even more special, cozy, and inviting. You have inspired me so very much as I've been listening this morning. I have again been listening to news and current events podcasts too much and getting depressed so my honey said, you haven't been listening to that lady you like lately! And he was right, so here I am.
    Thank you for encouraging me to not let others discourage me. Those voices that want to pull us down seem to be everywhere sometimes!
    As J. Vernon McGee used to say, "May the Lord richly bless you my beloved!" Thank you for being you.

  13. Thank you for your kind consideration Lady Lydia and nice hearing from you too. May God continue to watch over you and your household in these difficult pandemic times. Love, Prayers and Blessings, Barbra.

  14. Lady Lydia, thank you for your videos. I really enjoy each and every one. They keep me going on hard days and make me remember my younger days of homeschooling my oldest children. You’re doing a great work for the Lord!

  15. Loved the video and enjoyed these comments! I just wrote on my blog about how I used to dislike my house and how that changed. Your videos are very soothing and you looked so pretty and sweet!


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