Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Home Detox from the World

Hello Dear Friends,
Welcome to The Manse, and to Homemaking Radio.  Go for a stroll, put something in order, or sit and listen and take an hour off from the anxiety 


Check these sites for anti-anxiety tips:

Dr. Berg  - Fight or Flight

Another anti-anxiety solution:

A Vacation

Look carefully at the spelling here. A lot of people missed it!

"I know this is controversial.
But I am 100% in
support of mandatory 
for everyone, and booster
vacations every 4 months."
I reviewed the Stampin' Up catalog, which you can order $4.00 at Stampin
I find the website not nearly as appealing as the actual catalog, which I browse just for relaxation.

I read from the book: In the Garden With Jane Austen by Kim Wilson
Grammar and Composition 1 for Christian Schools  by ABeka

I also read from "Beautiful Girlhood" the chapter on making friends with books.

I hope you all will suffer from unbearable happiness today.
Other things I mentioned:

"Helpful" Kitchen Chair

Thought Nutrition:

We should always be cheerful.
The times may be difficult, 
But a sad and gloomy countenance will not make them easier.
The flower is made by the sunshine;
It is not made by the clouds.
Our hearts can be filled with warmth
From the good things around us.
We may have troubles,
But we should not allow discouragement.
No one can be completely free from problems; 
We should extract courage and fortitude from them.
We should look on the bright ide of everything,
And then we can received the maximum happiness from each day.

from Grammar and Composition 1, page 60, by ABeka.


  1. You look extra classy today, Mrs. Sherman! :)

  2. Please continue to post the lovely photographs of the Manse and the surrounding area. Seeing your pretty home and the area around it always soothes my anxiety and gives me a sense of peace. You are a blessing to me Mrs. Sherman.

  3. Rebecca, I thought I should look more school marm-ish and severe so you kids would take it seriously ;-)

  4. Lynette , I shall

  5. Dear Lydia,

    It’s been a trip down memory lane for this former homeschooling mom as you shared snippets from the Abeka textbooks. We used many of their quality publications and, yes, I loved that nearly every page of their workbooks (even math) included a scripture verse for contemplation. Coming from a public school background like you, that was so refreshingly wonderful to have Bible verses sprinkled throughout every subject. It helped to give the students a Christian worldview in all areas of study.

    Thank you for helping ladies to be less anxious over the current situation in our world. I will say it has given many of us opportunities to share what we are learning from our own research. I like to end my sharing time with others by pointing to Jesus Christ, the blessed hope for the world amid all the chaos.

    God’s blessings,

  6. Hello Lady Lydia,

    Thank you for another educational talk. I liked the mandated vacations and boosters, haha! Your Manse looks lovely! While I listened today, I put away my groceries, prepped dinner, took a short walk and started on a jigsaw puzzle. I have a Dollar Tree puzzle collection that has been growing in last year, 500 pcs each, that helps keep my mind settled and relaxes me. Plus, they don't take up a lot of table space.:)

    Take care,

  7. I really enjoyed this talk, thank you. I took to heart your idea for taking one hour to detox from stress and just be happy. Yesterday after supper we had a campfire, and I just sat there and watched the fire for a whole hour and it was very peaceful. Today I spent some time sitting out on the front porch watching the insects in the grass, because I love nature. I saw a grasshopper delicately munching on a blade of grass. The way he held it in his two front "hands" to feed it into his mouth was so funny, as was the fact that I could watch him chewing. I was just thinking what delightful creatures grasshoppers were, when I noticed that a gigantic one right on the step next to me. It was huge! I yelped and jumped up in fright. I guess they're only delightful at a respectful distance. haha.

  8. I'm going to take your prescription next week at the 🏖️. You are so right about being careful what you read. I'm an avid reader, andI've noticed that some books leave me in kind of a bad mood, or they start out good, like you said, but devolve, and just become a waste of time. I'm being more careful now to read more quality books, esp before bedtime. Grace l. Hill books are all trustworthy, uplifting, and make me want to do better! Loved this video and your very necessary advice, esp about stories we've heard 500 times before 😉

  9. Thank you again. I enjoyed this. I'm getting to where I can't do repetitive work without listening to you. I'm sure I'll soon get the Jane Austen garden book.


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