Sunday, October 03, 2021

Health and Happiness at Home

Welcome to The Manse
and to Homemaking Radio. Please enjoy the freedom of your home
while you listen today:


Today in the video I mentioned the freedom in the home, and I hope to explore that more in future talks.
I showed you my creation for the brown paper challenge. It can be useful or decorative, and I chose to use the twisted brown paper I receive inside boxes of things I order, to make primitive looking pumpkin art:

I read Proverbs 3:6 -"He will make your paths straight" in relation to the word "path."

Path to The Manse

I also talked about health and happiness and read quite a bit out of the book, "The Jane Austen Diet" by Bryan Koslowski; the last chapter,

Health and Happiness: The Mind and Body Connection

I hope hearing this broadcast will take your mind off the craziness going on around us.
A phone
Natural Healing Advice From the Doctor of My Patient Here at The Manse:

The first thing he quoted was what I call "a verse from natural cures scriptures": 

"The flu you will always have with you."
He said there has always been flu, as it came with the rest of the world, and others will come along.  It is a way the body is throwing off
toxins and bacteria, so the experience and symptoms sometimes appear like in detox, because the
illness uses up a lot of zinc in the body.
He said it is a flu and must treated as such, naturally, not with chemicals.
If you have had the flu recently, it may take 2 months to feel fully recovered.  Do not be in a hurry to recover, but make slow improvements daily.

He recommended the following treatment:
Zinc: 100 mg. 4 X daily
Vitamin C: 1000 mg. 4 X daily
Copper 10 mg. 4 X daily  OR 3 soft boiled eggs daily.
NAC supplement as directed on bottle (N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine) supplements encourage healthy glutathione levels. N-acetyl-L-cysteine also promotes bronchial, respiratory, liver and immune health. Check at Market of Choice or online for Neolife, NOW, Life Extension, Youngevity and other brands. 
Beet juice --a pint daily
Sleep as much as possible. 
3 quarts liquid daily, including water and the other other drinks. 
Home made chicken broth from homemade soup.
Brush your teeth with hydrogen peroxide.
Inhale 5 minutes daily  hydrogen peroxide from a diffuser.
Eat cooked beets daily, and drink pure beet juice, no sugar or corn syrup added.  (Mix with  pure apple juice to sweeten if you need to).
Take a sip of liquid every 5 or 10 minutes that you are awake, will keep you hydrated.  The tendency is not to eat or drink, but sipping often will keep you from getting deydrated. 
He emphasized good home nursing care, which among many other things includes cleanliness, comfortable fresh bedding, fresh pure food, quiet, and also said:
"It is important to keep your mind from defeating thoughts and dread.  Negative thinking depresses the mind and body, making recovery much slower."

I showed a few pages from this:
Go Here and scroll down to the area where you can flip the pages and look inside the magazine.

Some of the free-style sewing of someone I know, who does not use patterns, seldom uses zippers or buttons, and manages to sew simply and quickly. 


  1. This talk is so delightful. Listening while my daughter and I sip hibiscus tea and straighten the kitchen.

  2. Hi lovely Lydia... another wonderful inspiring video from you - I just love the wisdom, the calmness & your beautiful smile that you bring to each & every one... I always come away thinking how lucky we are to have you in our lives right now! Thanks bunches!!

  3. Miss Lydia, I loved this video in particular. Listening to you is so very calming and comforting and I learn so tremendously much with each of your videos. I always feel so much better after seeing and hearing you speak. You are a blessing, Lord knows we really need you at such a time as this. Thank you kind and sweet lady. God Bless you!!

  4. The brown paper pumpkins...I stood there, smiling in the kitchen, holding my phone and realising that life can indeed be simple and beautiful...but we all need someone to inpire us and show us how to realise it... Thank you! Maggie

  5. Dear Lydia,

    I so appreciate these broadcasts, and your beautiful blog always summarizes everything you teach and directs us to helpful, pleasant sites for further information. Your lovely appearance always motivates me to get ready for my day and look my best, even if no one will see me. 😊
    The paper bag pumpkin is something I might use for a craft when I host several girls (4-8) at my house for a harvest tea party. The health information is most helpful to me, too. I really enjoyed this day since homemaker radio keeps me busy while I listen. Thank you!!

    ❤️& blessings,

  6. Thank-you Lydia! Just wondering what brand of salmon oil you are using.

  7. A number of Salmon Oil softgel tabs brands I’ve had are NOW, Puritans Pride, Soloray , and some from Costco. There are some good one from England, and there is Wild Alaska, Dr. Mercola and many others.

  8. Beautiful dresses!
    You have such pretty tea cups.


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