Monday, October 18, 2021

Routine in the Home Provides Stability When the World is Unstable

View From the Manse
Please enjoy doing a few things at home, while you listen to the broadcast.

I talked about the importance of following a small routine such as beginning the day with a few moments of fresh air, putting yourself together (appearance), and a few household habits (sweeping, washing) because the world's instability can other wise keep the mind distracted and the body unable to accomplish anything.

I read the a  few pages of Bryan Koslowski's book "The Jane Austen Diet", about the importance of nature in Austenworld. 

For further enjoyment and relaxation, listen to this beautiful podcast: "On the Journey."
Rebounder trampoline exercise is profitable for many different reasons, as explained on this 5 minute video 


For the brown paper creative challenge today, I made a book cover and book mark:

Aqua is the recent decor color at The Manse:

I also read from a section of the 1836 (re-printed) edition of McGuffey's Reader:


  1. Cheryl's book is Home Comforts. I laughed when you said, "The rest of the house is wrecked." That's how I feel today, behind and overwhelmed! I greatly enjoyed this video as I worked. I might have to put the Jane Austen diet on my Christmas wishlist. We haven't used an alarm clock since I came home 16 years ago. We also rarely use sunscreen. I can identify with the feeling of meloncholy as the light shifts out of my kitchen... just as I need to make dinner. When we put on a new roof we added a skylight to the kitchen and it "cured" me! Cellular shades which keep out the heat while filtering the light also made a world of difference in our home.

  2. G'day lovely Lydia!!! Another wonderful vlog you did for us out here in crazyland.... I've never gone along with the sunscreen scare either.... just something else that's been used to keep us in fear.... and now look - so many people are told they are Vit D deficient...... go figure!!! Oh and I found a beautiful new teacup & saucer for myself - I thought of you when I saw it!! I always enjoy my cuppa when I'm listening to you!!

  3. Dear Lydia,

    Thank you for keeping me company as I washed dishes, gathered up the laundry, and tidied up my home. I really love the aqua accents in your living room. I, too, enjoy giving my home a “ new “ look with the changing of the seasons.

    I appreciate your oral readings; but actually, I think your commentaries are excellent! You transcend the culture of that day and make it so applicable and useful to us in our current situation. It makes it quite interesting. 😊Until next time…blessings to you.


  4. It took me two days but I finally finished this broadcast. I really enjoyed it. You keep me company and learning while I am taking care of my family. Thank you. I enjoy when you read to us and teach and make commentary. It always sparks my mind.

  5. I am deep cleaning my upstairs! Thank you for accompanying me!

    I too am "elderly." I experienced the very thing you talked about. When I quit my job as a Physical Therapist to take care of my own children, I was told I was wasting my education. I do not believe any education is ever wasted. So people have always tried to tell us how to live. This is nothing new.

    I have listened to you recently as I scraped, sanded, and painted two porches. Yesterday I deboned a turkey. I love your attitude!


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