Sunday, December 12, 2021


A sojourner is a temporary resident in a land that doesn't belong to him. He dwells where he is neither native, nor foreign nor servant, but works and lives as a temporary resident, dependent on the hospitality of the host nation.  To illustrate this, I read aloud the introduction of the book of Ruth. 

I shared the brown paper challenge of the "On the Journey" blog author, who included it with her newsletter. This tea bag shape could be used as an invitation card or a place card, if folded to have two parts.

 Please enjoy your walk or your work, while you listen at home today:

If you want to know more about slower living, just do a search in the YouTube space and see what comes up. I mentioned some of them I had seen, which were helpful. They are also good to listen to while you do other things.


  1. Thank you for another wonderful broadcast. What really spoke to me is the idea of the sojourner. I did not know the true meaning either! I am a ministry wife also and mother of our grown children and grandchildren and I tell you, life on this earth can be so fickle. Which I'm sure you already know;) But how encouraging to know and to be reminded that God has a definite place and plan for me in his kingdom and here on earth. He never changes! God bless you!

  2. I absolutely adored this podcast, I was Soo excited to see you posted another one. I feel like we are all sojourners, all of us Christian's who love the Lord, we are passing through until we reach our real home, our eternal home with our Savior. Thanks so much for making these videos, hope you have a very productive, lovely and blessed week 🤗

  3. Dear Lydia,

    I surely enjoyed your visit today. I have been feeling under the weather, and I think I will try the manuka honey with lemon remedy. Always best to treat ailments naturally if we can.

    I had to laugh to myself when you mentioned ironing. I will never forget the day I presented a soon to be new bride with an iron… well, let’s just say the look on her face said, “What in the world do I do with this?” My mom, on the other hand, pressed everything including washcloths, towels and sheets! And, while I iron most things, I have never ironed a sheet. Thanks to permanent press.🙂

    When talking about sojourning—I must admit to feeling like a sojourner and pilgrim in this present world. I don’t “fit in” with the worldly system and realize it more and more with each fleeting year. I rejoice that this present world is not all there is, because one day I am going to be perfectly fit for my heavenly home. I find myself meditating on those scriptures that reminds me of living these days with eternal values in view.

    Many thanks for your sharing and caring ways, sweet Lady Lydia.


  4. Dear Lydia:
    Thank you so much for uploading more videos. I never get tired of listening to you. Everything you talk about is so interesting. I definitively agree with all the comments above. We always appreciate all the encouragement you give us through these difficult times. God bless you greatly. Much love. Maria

  5. I like leaving comments because I can tell at a glance if I've listened 😃 I save and star your emails as they come in and delete after I listen, but often get interrupted, so I'm always behind. I'm amazed at all you do...banjo lessons!! I've never felt like a sojourner because Ive never lived more than 30 minutes from my parents house, and visit them once a week! I do sometimes feel like a sojourner on earth, though, and look forward to heaven. On super beautiful days I always wonder if that is a glimpse.

  6. I finally got on! I had to create a blog page to do it. 😊
    I have so enjoyed listening to your you- tube channel. I have been a homemaker 40 years and wish there was something like this when I was a young momma. Something to take my mind off the daily chores. Thank you for sharing your time.


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