Monday, March 28, 2022

Stuffy House Syndrome, Free Air, and More

Hello from The Manse, and welcome to new listeners of Homemaking Radio. Use it for your work or your walk.  Today I spoke of the stuffy house syndrome,**  quoting "The Jane Austen Diet" concerning what Austen wrote as "gloomy thoughts" or "weary minds."  People are discovering more and more that a closed up house can effect a person's presence of mind and sense of well-being. I suggest in this broadcast, the hours the house is shut, can affect the mood. 

Today I broadcast from one of the guest rooms (my children's former rooms are now guest rooms), which is newly made over with old things.

And, from my Austen walk today:

Now, regarding the "free air" written about in Jane Austen's stories;
The custom in our generations has been to get out of the stuffy house to go to other enclosed, stale air places, such as the car, the grocery store, and many other stilled air locations. Upon returning home, there remains the "creepy house" feeling, which in fact, could be the stuffy house effect.

I suggested providing some relief to you who are under duress, or anyone you know, an hour of reprieve, with the comfort of a Jane Austen walk, wordless and slow, observing with all your senses. Plan a "clear mind" hour to get air, move slowly about and be surrounded by natural sounds, sights and air.
Please enjoy your work in the home while you listen to this episode:

**Stuffy house" is formerly my expression"creepy house syndrome," a feeling of unease, eerie or strangeness in the house, often first thing in the morning, or between 4 and 7 pm. or other times, depending on the individual at home.   I observed that these were the times  when the house had been closed up without what Austen referred to as free air.


  1. Thank you Mrs. Sherman for your encouraging words. Right now our weather is beautiful and I have my doors and windows open. However soon we will be in the hot weather in the desert Southwest and then we will have to close up the house. Having to draw the heavy curtains and seal up the windows to keep out the heat always makes me feel uneasy.I must get summer stuffy house syndrome. I take my walks in the early morning, it is full sun by 5:00am, and siesta in the afternoon, then open the windows at night if it is not too hot. I do agree we need to get some fresh air every day.

    1. Early morning air sounds good to me.

  2. Dear Lydia,

    You looked so lovely in the burgundy sweatshirt surrounded by the beautiful accents in your guest room. I have been feeling under the weather, and the 20 minute rest offset by 2 minutes of walking sounds pretty good right now.😕I listened to today’s broadcast throughout the day in increments and felt a bit more motivated to get up and do something each time I tuned in. Thank you for encouraging and blessing me.


    1. Holly, thank you. I always want to have a visit that eases the mental and physical burdens on everyone.

  3. Holly, you are too kind 😌

  4. G'day lovely Lydia - enjoyed your vlog today, as always, while I had my arvo cuppa!!! Funny that you spoke about "walking off your dinner"... my husband & myself often go for a stroll after dinner, just around the neighbouring streets... and as we go along we say... well, that's one potato gone, another street & we'll burn off the cheese sauce!! haha And I still love to iron.... specially my tea towels - makes me happy seeing them all freshly pressed!! xx

    1. That made me laugh. A few more steps and the dessert is gone 😊

  5. Oh and I forget to say thank you for the lovely pics you posted on this... just love seeing your property and how you decorate your house!! Cheers Flossy!!

    1. I hope one day to take a walk outside and a home tour on video.

  6. You look so beautiful in that color! It's always been my favorite. Your guest room looks very pretty as well. Thank you for your post, I've missed you! ☺

  7. Thank you for another great broadcast packed with sound advice and uplifting encouragement - reminding us that fresh air is free and readily available with so many mind clearing, health promoting benefits. How easily we forget in the day to day. I’ve found myself gulping fresh air for a few minutes every hour or so and you’re right! It does make a difference! Your presence online is such a comfort and is so reassuring. I’m truly thankful for you. God bless you!

  8. Love your pictures! Beautiful guest room, too. Enjoyed today's vlog while I washed dishes by hand because my dishwasher broke, and baked a cake. I got the J A Diet for Christmas but haven't been able to delve into it yet. I often leave our bathroom window open at odd times and it really helps keep the air flowing throughout the house.

  9. I listened while I was ripping out a seam, my least favorite part of sewing. :) I especially liked what you read about walking and being outside. I've just started Long Live the Queen, his latest book. I think you'd enjoy it. He talks about a lot of topics you've discussed here, like being discreet and focusing on the good.

    1. Thanks for your visit! If you do not drop by, I don’t get the feedback or the motivation. Thanks also to you who send emails with suggestions.

  10. Thank you for another encouraging and educational episode of Homemaker Radio.You have been a welcome companion today as I have gone about my house work. Blessings. <3


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