Saturday, April 09, 2022

Frequent Doses of Suitable Quietness

Greetings Friends,
Today I talked about how not to grow weary in well-doing, which is a phrase from Galations 6:9, and I was referring to the dozens of tasks everyone has at home these days. 

"And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up."

On the way home from the J.A. walk this morning, it occurred to me I rarely show the back yard area of The Manse, so here is a picture. It isn't as well developed as the view of the front porch, but I am working on it.

More from the walk this morning.

I spoke of getting this book for recording special days of your loved ones. It is called 
Days to Remember with illustrations by Donna Green. I suggested some of you who are skilled in making journals, can make one of your own and include your own art. It has all the days of the month with space to record everyone's dates.

Around The Manse Today:

Thanks to the friend who gave me this pretty painting she found at a thrift store. I am really enjoying it. 
Preventing weariness at home:
1. Ask God to help you look at tasks with a renewed interest.
2. Freshen up by adding points of interest in small ways that don't take a complete overhaul--small touches.
3. Work around limitations such as interruptions, bad news, space problems, structural problems.
4. Use waking up too early to finish things and give yourself more leisure in the day.
5. Keep a list of enjoyable goals for later.

I also read Jane Austen's advice to apply "frequent doses of suitable quietness."

Please enjoy your home while you listen to the episode, and thank you for visiting!


  1. Dear Lydia,

    How pleasant to welcome you and homemaker radio into my humble abode. I enjoyed your company and the discussion about how to combat weariness while doing well. One way I overcome feeling weary is to listen to your broadcasts or watch some simple, slow living videos that demonstrate the art of homemaking skills. These resources give me a spark of encouragement in addition to the calm and relaxation it brings to my mind. So many of our battles are waged in our minds. The best advice you gave was to pray and ask the Lord for His strength to overcome our lack of ambition in creating a lovely home atmosphere. I also know our smile and a cheerful countenance go a long way in making any home a happier place to be. Thank you for giving me good, godly content to listen to as I work around my home. I really appreciate you.😊


    Thank you Holly and congratulations for being the first to leave a comment ;-)

  2. Thank you for the words of encouragement. They were a blessing to me today.

  3. Thank you so much for posting a video. I was missing those! I get many things done during your broadcasts and feel as though I’ve had a pleasant conversation with a friend. I’m always encouraged and inspired. The worries that plagued me are calmed greatly by your timely wisdom. It’s funny because many times you speak to exactly what I have been praying about and already sense the Lord leading me in. This one in particular was just what I needed to hear since my family is busy and noisy at times. The noise does get to me and I need quiet now and again to regain strength.
    Thank you for making these videos. I know they’re a huge commitment of time and energy. I want to be sure I express my gratitude for your efforts. God bless you,

  4. Thank you so much Lydia for making this beautiful videos! You’re such a doll and you are such a light to so many peoples world! I’m so glad that you let Jesus shine through you. As an appreciation I’d love to buy you something or give you a gift card to your favorite store. I could definitely just make a donation on your site if that’s what you prefer but I’d love to get you an actual gift if you have any ideas. My name is Tiffany Koch I’m a previous homeschool mom here in San Antonio Texas. And my grandmother passed away in a car accident in 2013 You are such an inspiring Godly lady just as she was. Thank you again!

  5. Dear Tiffany, I like the kitchen supplies at Hobby Lobby, as well as fabric there. And I occasionally go to Home Goods/TJ Maxx . You can email me for more information on my address . Thank you for being a viewer and listener and friend, whether or not you donate.

  6. Dear Lady Lydia,

    Thank you so much for your sweet words! My husband loves your videos as well because he sees the joy and inspiration you bring to me. Pray God blesses your week over and abundantly in Jesus name.


    Mrs. Koch


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