Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Learn to be Young at Home

Today I made a list of things young ladies can do that they can continue doing into their vital years.

I also brought up the subject of preventing people from taking off on tangents unrelated to the conversation. I introduced an ancient way of persuasion called casuity. Look at it carefully because it isn't the same as casual. In fact it is a common way of reasoning that doesn't make any sense, but you might need to know about it. 

If I get time I will add a list of what I said to young ladies at home on how to be young.
Another subject that I briefly covered was the problem of people wanting to know too much about you, and trying to keep  your privacy.

In the meantime, please enjoy resting or working, while you listen.


  1. Dear Lady Lydia,
    As always, I left your broadcast feeling uplifted and encouraged in my homemaking and mothering. The little things in life can mean such a lot (more than the sum of their parts) and add to our general sense of wellbeing, like enjoying the natural things our Heavenly Father has blessed us with, lavender for one.
    I am so encouraged by your thoughts from an older generation than mine about things that matter and will be of use and comfort in later life, such as music, art and hope chests, amongst other things. Thank you for sharing your light and graciously imparting your wisdom granted from God
    Blessings from Australia

  2. Dear Caroline, Thank you for taking time from your busy home life to write this thoughtful comment! I hope to talk more on this subject.

  3. I had so much that needed to get done and I knew just what to do!
    I had missed the last few videos so I plugged in my headphones a went to work.

    *First I cut lettuce from my garden and washed it and prepared it for the refrigerator. I'm planning on giving some of it away today.
    * I cleaned the bathroom from top to bottom. Washed the rugs and put out clean fresh towels.
    * My fingernails were long and dirty so I gave mayself a manicure.
    * Cleaned the kitchen.
    Your videos were a great motivator, in many ways!

    Thank you for your wisdom, advice and encouragement.


  4. Dear Lydia,

    How wonderful to listen to another homemaker radio show from your house to mine. I felt young all day since 6 children came over to pick raspberries and play games with me. I loved every minute of it; but, now I’m feeling vital and need a nap. Lol. I think your floral print blouse is beautiful. It‘s an exact match with the colors of the lovely picture in the background. As always, your talk got my day off to a good start. Thank you for sharing all the wisdom and experience of being a homemaker, mother, grandmother, preacher’s wife, and veteran homeschooler. I have taken notes from your blog into my journals so I have something to hand down to my descendants too. 😊


  5. I know that many viewers of your blog will work around their home as they listen to you, but I like nothing more than to enjoy a leisurely cup (or two!) of tea while watching your videos. It's my favorite part of the day and motivates me to try to make my home as lovely as yours.

  6. Dear Lady Lydia,
    What a pretty blouse and lovely surroundings! They don´t make that kind of gorgeous, bright cotton fabrics any more, or they´re so difficult to find. I love roses too and I agree with you on the fact that there´s a kind of dictatorship of the ugly imposed on society today and even worse, on women´s minds. They´ve never been taught what pretty is, as you said. A godly and wise mother like you would have told those groups of unhappy girls walking around about the value of beauty, kindness and true femininity. When I see them, I always think: Where are their mothers?

    What a program you´ve presented us today! Enough to fill a lifetime and those of one´s daughters and granddaughters. It reminded me of the old saying: “If you have a garden and a library, you have all you need”. I think it was the Roman philosopher Cicero who wrote that.

    Today I´ve received a ton of inspiration for my wardrobe, for the pictures on my walls and for my homemaking activities. Even for becoming that kind of woman known by her calm, wise and sweet disposition like you, some day, with God´s help. Thank you so much. God bless you!

  7. Hello. I haven't listened in awhile as it uses up data bytes if I were to listen and walk, but I'm glad of this reminder. The summer days are full of activity and blessings. Too soon, the house will be emptier for awhile as my baby heads to middle school. This is a huge stretch for me. He was home schooled his first ten years until it no longer worked for us. Now I fear my husband would like me to bring in some income, with the rising costs of things. I try to use our money wisely. I'm praying for a way to add income without necessarily leaving the house. I know ministry is at home. I will be grateful for your prayers and wisdom. Thank you.

  8. I really like the fabric of your dress...it looks lovely on you too.

  9. Hello Lady Lydia,
    I had a headache and watched church from home this morning. I'm glad to have that technology when it is needed.

    I again cleaned my kitchen Saturday morning as I listened. I also baked chocolate chip cookies and snack crackers. I put a tower type fan pointing from my dining room into the kitchen. It helped keep the heat from the kitchen from entering the rest of the house while also giving me some relief. ~smile~

    I hope you have a lovely week. Thank you for your talks. They are vital to this increasingly vital lady. Isnt' it nice to be a lady and not just a woman?

    God bless you dearie.
    Mrs. Laura Lane
    Carthage, Missouri

  10. Hi Ms. Lydia,

    I am a middle-aged mom to two young adult children who still live at home, and I wish that I had found you many years ago! We homeschooled and I like to think I did my best with them but over the years, they've grown up, I've taken a job (where I am able to work from home), and things just aren't the same. I suppose they never are once the kids are no longer children. These "not quite empty nest" years are a transition for mothers as much as they are for the kids!

    You and I have different political beliefs and I don't agree with everything you say, but your words are comforting and calming, and I love listening to you as I get ready for the day or go for a walk. I think it's wonderful to be able to glean wisdom for someone who is a bit more "vital" than I am and also someone who has a different worldview. Thank you so much for doing these videos! I think you are influencing more people than you may know about!


  11. Michelle, very gracious for you to say these things. We all have the same hopes and goals and dreams of a happy stable family, and we want to have the freedom and peace to focus on that.


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