Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Hospitality to Your Own People

I hope you are all doing as well as can be expected under your current circumstances.

I have been cleaning up around The Manse, 

...which includes having tea.

Today on the broadcast I wore the dress I made from this 1984 Laura Ashley pattern, and talked about a new magazine which will eventually be available to you online. I read from several books and gave you about an hour's worth of conversation to listen to while you get some things done at home.


  1. I so enjoyed your latest You Tube -I was pressure canning potatoes!:)
    I was fascinated with the spiritual life of Jane Austen. I found the most adorable book I wanted to share.
    A Thousand Ways to Please a husband by Louise Bennett Weaver & Helen Cowles LeCron
    Was published in 1917. Its a charming vintage cookbook that reads like a novel as they eat their way through their first year of marriage. Its so delightful!
    A wonderful book on homemaking.
    Thank you again for all you do-you are such an encouragement.

  2. I am so pleased you did a video; I enjoyed it in bits and pieces as I kept getting interrupted. So i will listen again!
    Like Becky, I was so interested in what you read about Jane Austen's spiritual life and how she incorporated her practical faith into her characters and the stories. Have you read anything be Elizabeth Prentiss who wrote in the mid 19th century?
    Thank you for taking the time to visit with us!

  3. I may have that book around here but am not real familiar with it. If I find it I will be glad to read some of it aloud. I remember there was a negative attitude in that era, and even when I was growing up, that a child was just “more responsibility another mouth to feed, two more feet to shoe, and less days for reading, visiting, music and drawing.” Elizabeth Prentice wrote that it meant one more precious soul to teach and share this life with, to make music for and to read to.

  4. Dear lady Lydia,
    Like you in your previous post, I was painting some things at home (the iron bars in my balconies) as I listened to your video, and I wanted to finish it up before my descendants come this weekend. Your calm voice is like having the company of a friend and makes tasks lighter.

    Your pink dress is, of course, gorgeous. I´d love to find something similar, but it´s so difficult. I can sew some basic garments but I´m quite far below from your level. And the scarves you choose to go with your dresses are so sweet and ladylike. Maybe you could ask young miss Lillian to give us some lessons on how to make up a dress without patterns. What a great tutorial that would be!

    Looking forward to seeing you again soon.

  5. I would like to get Lillians technique down. I’ll try to catch her in the act the next time she comes.

  6. You may have already addressed this issue, but just in case others are having the same problem I thought I'd post my question here. I'm not receiving an email anymore letting me know you've posted a blog post. Have you looked into how we can subscribe to your blog now that the other service has stopped? Thanks.

  7. Thank you for this lovely talk, which I listened to while I made yet one more batch of jam. I had some leftover peaches, pears and blueberries, but not enough to make a full batch of anything. So I combined them into one recipe of jam, and I must say it tastes pretty good.

    I particularly liked the new magazine you showed us! I like the way you inspire us to make our own things or even write our own publications if we don't like what we see in the stores.


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