Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Sipping Update

Hello, and welcome to my “stealth sipping” report for the last week.

The children’s fort was a nice prop for Sunday Sipping. I’ll name this Fortress Tea. It was raining and the fort sheltered everything nicely and provides a quick outdoor seating area and refuge from the weather. Now I feel justified in keeping everything including toys.

The Manse had been going through more small repairs. Some of my descendants are  here doing the planning and work with great gusto. With the commotion, I have not found a refuge area to make a broadcast but I am thinking about it and that’s what counts, eh?

As The Manse is just not show-worthy yet, I will share some stealth sipping pictures. It’s getting colder here now and I am anticipating unusual places indoors to secretly sip some sweet solutions.
I noticed a few months ago at the Hobby Lobby the many wall pictures depicting old sheds and barns, so I tried a sip of “ Vintage Shed tea” for Monday stealth sipping. You will have to listen to one of my recent broadcasts where I explain that this is my safe substitute for the more adventurous and risky hobby of stealth camping. I’m too vital to sneak around camping on borders and fancy hotel property like the experienced creative stealth campers. This is a more refined option— less drama and no one will call the local sheriff.

Tuesday tea was juniper tree tea. I understand the juniper berries also make a nice tea for indoor scent but I’m not sure about drinking it so I created a blend with berries and mint.

I like the contrast of the fancy cups in a rustic background.
This was Wednesday’s blackberry infusion using the last of the season fading blackberries. Blackberries are very expensive but most of us have been taken over by them. If we were not right on the job cutting them back, the Manse would be hidden.
On Thursday there was a-quiet-time-in-the-field sip.

Always happy for a Queen Anne’s Lace photo opportunity, here is Friday’s Queen Anne’s Lace Appreciation sip.

I hope to add more soon.

There are more places I can go with this recreation, and when I have experienced all possible tea cup scenes, I might go into stealth- sorting in The Manse. There are books, sewing supplies, kitchen shelves, recipes and old letters that need sorting.  Wait and see my progress. Have a look at stealth camping channels and you will see how skillful these people are (and why I’m not allowed to do it.)

Until I can talk to you again, I hope you will be uniquely creative ( but not unwise) and enjoy your home. 




  1. Dear Lydia , You are such fun!
    I am looking forward to your next video, but in the meantime I will listen to previous ones.
    How wonderful to be getting your repairs done. I live in a 1939 home that I love but -'it's always something'!
    PS I sent a donation recently and I've never done Paypal before. Did you receive it?

  2. Marianne, yes it came!! I may have sent the thank you email to the wrong address!

  3. I like the Wordsworth publications and try to choose the covers I like the best. Some of their book covers are pictures of flowers and books. It’s a nice way to add a nice home accessory.

  4. I have been referred to your by Homestead Tessie. I have found your blog to be delightful, and I must and will read and catch up. I don't see a way to "follow" your blog, but have placed your link at my place so I can see when you update. I'm so glad you are still blogging, it is such a lovely and creative space to make new friends who are like minded.

  5. Welcome and please tell us how you update from your place. Blogger removed the notification here and other blogs so we are looking at other services. Do you mean add to your blog roll?

  6. Hello Lydia! I'd like to share that I watch/listen to you regularly as I work around the home here in Ohio. Your 'vital' experience as a mature Christian, a pastor's wife, a homeschooling mama, and a frugal and thoughtful woman has gifted you with an extremely important platform here in cyberspace! You are a true blessing to many that find you online. Thank you!

  7. I’m honored that you listen to the broadcasts and can get some use from all this!


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