Today in the broadcast I discussed the violas which will soon appear through the winter ground,
and showed you a recent exotic purchase I made:
plus, the use of t-sacs with loose tea:
My stealth sipping didn't get further that the door of the front porch because I lost my nerve in the blast of cold wind. It is the thought that counts.
I also talked about the following things:
-Dressing for a feeling of success
-life does not go smoothly, comparisons are deadly, hope for the best but plan for the worst
-Make homemaking interesting
-For youth: a "form of godliness", Staying home can provide protection in:
-physical health
-social snags
I also talked about what to do at home, for youth, which will be advantageous to your family at home:
-develop an interest in something
-become expert at something to do with the home or the family needs
There are other things on this broadcast that I did not list here, so please enjoy your home while you listen.
Another lovely video; thank you !
ReplyDeleteToday I carried you around with me while doing various things like dishes, putting fresh sheets on two beds, and getting my makeup applied.
Happy New Year, Friend!
Marianne, so darling of you to comment. It’s helpful for people to list what they got done. Others will understand homemaking better.
ReplyDeleteDear Lydia, what a wonderful radio show today. I made my morning breakfast sausage (with ground turkey) and washed my kitchen dishcloths while I listened to you.
ReplyDeleteWhen you spoke honestly about not being able to get your head into things, and why, and the beautiful black shoes you went and put on, I had to giggle. I looked down and had my warm fuzzy slippers on. I stopped in the midst of mixing the few herb I use, went to my back closet and found a nice pair of flats that I rarely wear. As soon as I put them on, while walking back to the kitchen, I smiled the whole way looking down at my feet. Thank you for showing what you did. It inspired me.
I am enjoying your sipping tea pictures. It's like a little mystery...where will she be for today's picture?
There is so much I could write on, but I want to share that I found comfort in your honesty that you will get to the letter writing sometime this year. I feel so much pressure sometimes to do things, even in my every day. I have my list, but I try to go from one thing to the next and feel all tuckered out after lunch.
I am still learning to try and follow a quote I found years ago when I first started homemaking: "On every level of life, from housework to heights of prayer, in all judgment and effort to get things done, hurry and impatience are sure marks of the amateur." from Evelyn Underhill.
I often think of this as I try to do more then 2 to 3 things a day. I just don't seem to get more then that done. That is along with cooking breakfast and dinner and taking care of the other essentials of the day.
You spoke of the SHE book. I find my housekeeping done in some sort of rhythm through the week keeps me moving along in things that need done. Monday is my main general cleaning, and the day I prepare our budget sheet etc for our weekly finance mtg together. Tuesday I spend a few minutes doing one thing in the room of the week. It's too much for me to spend hours trying to make it perfect, so if I do at least one thing that is bothering me the most, then I feel satisfied. Then I go to town for a couple errands and the thrift shop ( I choose not to do all in one day with groceries) Wed I prepare my grocery list and declutter anything paper related. Thursday is Groceries and afternoon leisure (since going to town and getting groceries takes a lot of energy). Friday I try to do one thing kitchen related (make trail mix, or a dessert for the weekend etc) and I also balance our checkbook and take care of anything pet related. We have two beautiful longhair kittens. Saturday is for projects I have or an outing if my husband doesn't have anything going on. At least that's my "list" as you spoke of. Sometimes I get distracted and nothing on my list gets done that day. And that is ok too, as long as I enjoyed what ever I got distracted with. :-)
Lots of sharing on my part today. I guess I like the idea of connecting with others as I am working through my day too.
Peace be with you, and many blessings in this upcoming year.
Dear Lydia,
ReplyDeleteYour recent videos are helping me to stay somewhat grounded and stable during the busy holiday season. Each broadcast gives me an hour of good listening while I try to get some things done around my home. They are like a special gift to me. Thank you doesn’t seem adequate enough. I enjoyed checking into some of the links on your blog, especially the site featuring “Wives and Daughters.” Last but not least, I am soaking in the delightful content of Stepping Heavenward.
Wishing you a blessed, wonderful New Year!
Lovely video as always, I enjoy time with you, thank you for making these videos 🌷🌹💐🌻🌸
ReplyDeleteJust found Wives and Daughters on Amazon Kindle for $1.99 : ) Thanks so much for the recommendation.