Saturday, January 21, 2023

Homemaker Self-Care

Its been so long since I have seen you. Thank you so much for visiting. You are welcome to leave comments. If you would rather email me personally, you may do that. Also if you want me to post your comment, I will do that for you.

Today's broadcast is designed for listening as you go about your responsibility at home.

Today I talked a little about managing to do a few self-care things to keep the homemaker rested and happy.


  1. Thank you for a lovely chat.
    Sidenote: Very pretty cottage teapots

  2. Thank you so much Lydia for another informative, entertaining and engaging video. I always learn from you; you make learning fun. I love the idea that it is never too late to be "home schooled" as you often tell us. God bless you and your kind husband. (isabella:-)

  3. I hope to use all my homeschool materials and let you have an inside view of it and be able to say you are being homeschooled. I don’t want all this to be put away and never used again.

  4. Mrs. Sherman, you mentioned the book Simple Social Graces by Linda Lichter. A review online says this “ Illustrated with period black-and-white drawings, this engaging, enlightening text explores the fascinating underpinnings of Victorian mores and values; from courtship, child rearing, dress codes and manners to attitudes toward death, religion and sex. Celebrating a time when family was revered, children were raised in a mannerly and moral fashion, and love spoke of a transcendent state between the sexes, Simple Social Graces reminds readers of the traditional ideals that can help heal and strengthen American society today.”

    What is mentioned about sex? Wondering if this is something I should allow my daughter to read.


  5. Shari that it was so sacred it was not mentioned out loud and anyone who engaged in it before holy matrimony was the subject of a shotgun wedding or tar and feather or run out of town. They were DIY-drs- no need for courts and lawyers except for wills like in Bleak House. I’ll see if it’s fit to read aloud

  6. For worldly girls out on their own away from home, this would be excellent for reading. For homeschool girls at home, I would say no. Married women of all beliefs, yes. The lessons can be taught in a more careful way to sons and daughters, and there are some good things available. I'd recommend the film Princess Cut to girls at home wanting to marry, and also girls who have dated. Linda Lichter was very forthright in the way she wrote because she was scathingly critical of the current situation regarding manners, modern dating, etc. and she didn't flinch from describing its atrocities. Therefore her discussions on those personal things are not easy to read and not always very nice. She did however praise the Victorian "morals" for the way they did things. Read the book and make your own determination as to whether it is appropriate.

  7. Great advice, Mrs. Lydia. I am currently reading my way through Simple Social Graces and I absolutely love it. However, I was contemplating getting rid of it simply because I would not want my daughter picking it up. But like you said, I can still teach lessons from it in a careful way. Thank you for your insight.

  8. Thank you so much, Mrs. Sherman! I greatly appreciate you taking time to look into this more. I always value what you share. Thank you!!!!


  9. Dear Lydia,

    Your talk today was very good…. excellent content with timely reminders of how to get our day off to a wonderful start. I also appreciated your advice to not be in competition with anyone but ourselves. Such wise words. Your message today was worth the wait. Thank you, Lydia.😊


    Sent from my iPhone


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