Monday, February 27, 2023

Linens and Handiwork of the Home

Hello Ladies,

There are approximately 25 references to snow in the Bible.  Snow provides nitrogen and sulfur for the earth, and fertilizer, and it absorbs a huge percentage of noise, which we all need a rest from. 

I hope you are doing well in your current situation, with great plans for improvement.

Today the broadcast is about the the hand made items of the home.

Indoor stealth sipping today:
Miss Lillian’s blog is updated 

Please enjoy your home while you listen:

Miss Lillians sewing blog is updated HERE


  1. So enjoyed spending time with you as always. I got a lot done, laundry, dishes, laundry room mopped. The pieces you showed are beautiful, love the pansy. Have a beautiful week 🤗

  2. Dear Lydia,

    I just have to let you know how comforting, calming, and peaceful today’s talk was to me. The Lord even sent gently falling snow from Heaven as I was listening to the broadcast.😊Your message literally caused me to deliberately slow my pace and enjoy working on today’s list of “things to do“ instead of stressing over it. I also greatly appreciate the handiwork of our ancestors. I have an embroidered sampler and a cross stitched lap quilt that my great Aunt Jenny made many years ago. Because I do hand stitchery, I know the labor of love and time that is required to finish these types of projects. How sad to find so many lovely handmade items for sale at the local goodwill, knowing the amount of time and effort some caring person put into it. Therefore, I am very careful about who I gift with my handmade treasures; I realize not everyone appreciates the value of them. Thanks again for the wonderful, gentle words of wisdom.


  3. I just was listening to a broadcast from about a month ago while doing the dishes and was struck that one of the many reasons I enjoy listening to you is that you so often read from good literature. I love that and your commentary is always a pleasure to hear as well. It’s rewarding to feel a little more educated when I’m done with a task because of what you’ve thoughtfully brought to your sessions. Thank you for “homeschooling” your listeners. We truly appreciate you!

  4. Thank you friends. My goal is to broadcast every day. It may actually happen.

  5. As always so uplifting thank you so much also I am enjoying The Jane Austin Diet...checked out copy from Library.

  6. Dear Lydia, I hope you are having some special time with your family, but I miss you... In the meantime repeats will suffice. You are a blessing .

  7. I loved hearing about how you are making up a story for your friend! Re good food, 20 years ago I noticed a friend making those bad cost cutting food choices and today her entire family is very sickly. I wonder if that is why? That was an interesting story about the linens. I often snap up hand embroidered pillowcases for a song, and I use them! When it gets too tattered from use and I can no longer mend, I cut off the embroidered part off and use it as a dust cover on my books.


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