Friday, May 26, 2023

Fortify for Stress

Dear Ladies,

I hope you are enjoying your life at home and have good plans for improvement.

All is well at The Manse, although the usual repairs and replacement as in any old house, continue to disrupt the dreamy Regency story I want to live in (smile).

In this broadcast you will hear more about stress, from The Jane Austen Diet, Great Health God's Way, and Molly Gibson at Hamley Hall in Chapter 59 of Wives and Daughters.

I suggested that we need to understand the differences between 
initiating stress or inviting, and walking into stress, (instead of avoiding it),
responding to stress,
recovery from stress,
and fortifying ourselves for possible stress.
I will address these aspects more perhaps in future posts. But for now, perhaps these last two talks have given you some ideas.
Stress has always been in the world, and people who take care of themselves with good mental and physical health habits (some of which I mentioned), are less likely to be damaged when they are hit with severe stress. 
 Many things which protect us from the damage of stress, are from our youth, practices we can revive.

Please enjoy your home while you listen.

For a few minute I hope you'll put away the stresses of you mind and listen while you go about your responsibilities at home.
Lydia Ruth


  1. I love it when you read Wives and Daughters. I stopped cleaning and got my cup of tea. Also love how you are practicing skipping. I've been walking backwards whenever possible and safe ☺️

  2. I am loving these talks about de-stressing! You are so right about not just guarding our thoughts, but also our mouths. So many scriptures come to mind, but especially, "Do all things without murmurings and disputings that ye may be blameless and harmless, the sons of God without rebuke in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation among whom ye shine as lights in the world." Philippians 2:14-15. I have noticed the stress dissipates much quicker if I don't speak about it and I don't complain about it. And then take it a step further and refuse to ruminate in my mind about it..choosing instead to think on things that are lovely and of good report. Truly, man shall not live by bread alone. I need to be reminded of God's word daily! Thank you. 💛

    1. Exactly. Thank you for commenting.

  3. SO thankful for you!
    This podcast really hit home.
    How wonderful to be reminded to think on good things 😄
    And to learn something new each day, something good.
    Wonderful biblical encouraging words.
    Thank you! May you be blessed.
    Love you as a sister in Christ.


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