Monday, June 26, 2023

Teaching Good Things at Home

Hello Ladies,

We are having very nice weather.

Today I spoke about a lot of things, some which were:
Making your appearance at home a priority
Doing  things in preparation (bathe, dress, hair and face, list, prayer, stretches, a nice morning refreshment of some kind.)

Those things are part of a homemaker's renewal, restoration and rejuvenation.

Also I found a hymn I had been looking for, which I heard 30 years ago. The tune was not available on the web so my son helped me figure it out and we sang it together. Later on, others in the family came over and sang the different parts in unison. I mentioned the importance of understanding timing and the way notes are "held" to allow for the bass, alto, etc. to sing their parts .

Last week part of a tree fell down, and some of the men in the church enjoyed using their chain saws to carve tables and chairs;

I'm always looking for an interesting place around The Manse for my daily stealth-sipping.

I talked about fountains in the scriptures.
Here is the pool of Bethesda, the location in the book of John where the paralytic was healed. I talked
of how fountains were both physical and figurative in scripture.

I hope you will get a few things done at home while you listen today:


  1. Loved your singing! I hadn't heard that song before. Ive definitely noticed that people who sing at church, especially a capella, learn how to sing and do so much more easily in the home or elsewhere. Loved the creativity of turning your house into a ship, etc and your grandchildren's cards. I also wrote down what my child said on svraps of paper, put it in a box and one day I transferred them into a book and we love going through it!

  2. Thank you! Always enjoy your podcast, but this one was very good. I passed it on to my youngest daughter. She has a busy household with a three & almost 2 yr old girls.😊
    I'm currently reading the Mitford series & get the same good feeling reading those as watching your podcast 🌞

    THANK you for singing. I always say I may not sing perfectly but the scripture says to Make a Joyful Noise.
    What a blessing today was to spend some time with you.
    God bless.

  3. Thank you for listening and I hope to talk again soon. I’ll see if my children will sing it on my broadcast

    1. Would enjoy that sometime🌞

  4. Im so happy to see you pop up on my YouTube, I tell my husband how excited I am he thinks it's so sweet. You're always so encouraging, thank you for your videos have a blessed weekend πŸ™♥️

  5. Thank you. I will try to make another broadcast soon.

  6. You have the sweetest voice, Lydia!! The song, and your singing, were beautiful in their message and simplicity. πŸ’™ Thank you for sharing in that way.

  7. Dear Lydia, I completely agree with that you were saying about being a good example for others with your appearance. Back when I was in my 20s, I was careless about my appearance. I thought it was selfish to spend money on things for myself like makeup, special soaps, and so forth. But then I noticed my grandmother, who was in her 80s at the time, and how she always put so much effort into looking her best. When she was a guest at someone's home for dinner, she would always go put fresh lipstick on before coming to the table. And she also wore a pretty pin that matched her blouse or sweater. One time she gave me a bag of free makeup and lotions that she had gotten from a department store, that she had got as a free gift after buying some expensive lotion. (I think she did that as a gentle encouragement for me to take care of myself.) I had never had expensive lotion before in my life. Then it just hit me, how is it possible that my grandmother in her 80s buys quality lotion for her face and wears makeup when she goes out, and that all her outfits match, and that I, in my youth, don't do anything for myself and actually wear clothes that are old and raggedy? Even clothes with holes! I realized that I was wrong, that it wasn't unselfish to neglect myself, because I was setting a bad example for others, and possibly even making my family look bad. From that time I started trying to do better. I am still definitely not glamorous, but I do try! And I always think of my grandmother as an example to live up to. She is 105 today and living in an assisted living facility, but she still gets her hair styled regularly!


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