Friday, November 03, 2023

Reading and Talking About Various Things


Hello Dearest Ones!!

Welcome, and if you'd like to hear the video (without ads!) while you read, scroll to the end of this page.

I'm writing and broadcasting for my own family and sharing it with "all you all" as if we were attending a special ladies tea. In the comfort of your own home, and not interrupting your work, you can listen. It's a great deal and won't cost either of us anything. It is nice to stay home. 

The little tea book, in the picture above, was from Dollar Tree more than 15 years ago, and it is published by:
The Clever Factory
P.O. Box 150722
Nashville, Tennessee 37215
It is possibly available somewhere online if you'd like to do a search 

I am also  enjoying that light layer of fog. I think there are more than 4 seasons and this is fog season.

Some of you might be happy that I still practice the sport of stealth-sipping. It is my substitute for stealth-camping. This way, I won't get lost on the trail.

What I read:

-A poem from The Christian Charm Course by Emily Hunter, the older edition with the red cover.
 I suggested you get your own copy and take yourself through the course.

-Simple Social Graces- How the Victorians viewed personal refinement of manners and appearance.

-The Jane Austen Diet, --the chapter on stress "The Mind-Body Connection"

-The Do's and Don'ts of  Yesteryear by Eric Sloane--"do not ruin the harmony of a group conversation." 

-Ceremonial of Common Days by Abbie Graham--The luxury of hotel writing paper

Wives and Daughters--Roger's speech to Molly

I talked a little about the phrase "7th generation" often seen on eco-friendly products, and living in such a way that it would positively effect and encourage someone in a future generation.

I Thessalonians 4:11
"...aspire to live quietly and to mind your own business and to work with your hands..."

Please work or rest at home while you listen today.


  1. Such a lovely broadcast, everything always looks beautiful. I was able to order the other little tea book I'll have to look for this one too. I love looking at your books when you show them. Thank you for making these videos.

  2. I really enjoyed this talk while I made dinner. I believe your broadcasts are getting better and better, Lydia. You talk about such an interesting variety of things, and you read from so many different books that are all uplifting and wholesome. Thank you so much for giving us all something so nice to listen to while we work.


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