Tuesday, March 22, 2011

The Strings of the Voice

The Three Marys at the Tomb
by William Adolphe Bouguereau
 France, 1825-1905

The voice is a beautiful instrument, as you can hear in this acapella  recording.  I will post a copy of the sheet music for "The Sands of Time" in case you want to learn to sing it yourself. When the song has ended, I would highly recommend you click on "Meet Me There." The video is beautiful.

The song was written by Ann Ross Cousin, who was born in Hull, England in 1824  and lived in Scotland.

Here is one you might enjoy, called "Dare to Be Like Joshua" sung by a group of Christians that gather each year for a singing session.  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fZ70Nn2QIxA&feature=related    I do not know the words to this song but they sound like they might be something you would like to teach children.


  1. You can subscribe by email now. Fill in your email address in the section just on the upper left of the articles. If you are homeschooling, you might want to check every day or so and see if there is anything that might be useful to you for your children.

  2. Anonymous2:19 AM

    Good Morning Lady Lydia!

    May I kindly let you know,that I am
    currently residing in the French Swiss Alps.
    Have a lovely day!
    Sweet Blessings.


  3. Anonymous4:35 AM


    Beautiful. Here is something equally so;

    John Rutter is unsurpassed in both the 20th and 21st centuries re the genre of sacred music composition.

    And this

    I heard these two played as a set when I was 16 and wept for the beauty - still do!!

    Search out everything of Rutter's you can get your hands on. This is the encapsulation of my cultural Christian herritage.

  4. Anonymous4:47 AM


    And this exquisite setting of the Psalmists words...


    John Rutter is the handal of our age! We with English blood in our veins as have I are humbled and blessed to call him fellow brother in Faith and fellow countryman!

    May our heavenly Father continue to Bless his witness and ministry.

  5. Oh that was so lovely!
    The words are very beautiful and the voices are wonderful.
    Such precious hymns!
    Thank you for sharing them, Lady Lydia :-)
    bless you..Trish

  6. Anonymous5:25 AM

    Lovely music. Thank you for sharing your testimony this way.

  7. Anonymous7:29 AM

    Beautiful music - I have to listen to it again! Are there any security/privacy risks when one subscribes to a blog? I've always been hesitant to do so, but I would like to subscribe to yours.

    D in NY

  8. I do not know about the risks of following by email. Since it comes directly from the web, rather than someone's adddress book, it might not carry the risk of viruses or spam that you get in email. It will not be coming from my email, but from blogger. You could research the topic and find out. However, I'd much rather you bookmark me on your favorites and come and see the rest of the blog too.

    Labels: I am going to enable labels soon so that more subjects can be found. I have not labelled every single post, so you might have to go through older posts if you are looking for something.

    Paintings: When I post an art subject and write about it, I label it as art or paintings of the past centuries. However I just had the thought that every single post has a painting on it, and could have been labelled as art. So if you are looking for paintings, you might try going through older posts.

    Susan Rios: She is an artist living today, in California. I always get permission from her to put up a painting of hers, and she gives it to me as long as I post where the painting and print can be purchased. Her paintings are so excellent that some people might think they are from a hundred years ago and put them on their blogs without giving credit to Susan. If you use any of her paintings, be sure to go to her website and contact her and ask permission to post it on your blog. If you do post a Susan Rios painting, please show her the courtesy of labelling it with a link to the site where she sells the prints. There was one of a tea room with a fireplace that I noticed people are using without labelling it or linking back.

  9. Sarah in Australia,

    I can tell its you by your online accent.

    You might like this version of "The Lord Bless You and Keep You"


  10. Dare to be a Joshua, (I just added the link so you can hear it) was sung in Birmingham Alabama at the annual singing.

  11. Anonymous4:40 AM


    I am familliar with the setting of 'Lord Bless You and Keep you' in your link;

    here is what rutter does with it;


    Rich, timeless, beautiful, exquisite harmony, expression and orchestration.

    Rutter is a master of his craft head and shoulders above any of his contemporaries.

    this is sublime!
    PS: Thank you for the complement; wouldn't want to rob a bank - too many people can recognize me - I'd be turned in in a second!! :-)

  12. Anonymous7:12 AM

    Hi Lydia- I logged on your blog to tell you something about Scotland and here the writer of the hymn lived there. Have you seen the 1945 movie "I know where I'm going!"? Saw it on instant watch netflex the other night and I know how you love Scotland... I thought it was the sweetest love story I've ever seen and the whole Scotland culture was a plus. If you haven't seen it, you just got to. Elizabeth (from elizabethian tea).

  13. Elizabeth,

    Is your blog on my blogroll? If so I am not sure which one it is.

    I studied a little of Scotland whilst researching the Ulster-Scots and my own relatives. It was interesting to type in my surname and click images, to find so many people that looked my family.

    The things that I read about the early Scots led me to the Picts and the Dorians and others I had not heard of but it was all fascinating.

    My father knows every detail of Scot history and it is always fun to try and find a fact that he does not know....but so far, no cigar. That generation knew their personal history, as well as world history, much better.

    I did see that film many years ago, as it was a black and white made in the 50's I believe. I watched it recently for Wendy Hillar, of Anne of Green Gables fame, and wanted to see what she was like when she was younger.

  14. Anonymous11:11 AM

    Oh, so you have seen that film! I am on wordpress. ladiestea.wordpress.com (the Elizabethian tea) I sent some salve a while back... although I make it better now since I added raw lanolin.

  15. Oh yes, now I remember: Your salve healed my cracked hands! Thanks so much!


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