Friday, March 25, 2011

Future Posts

Family Outing, by Henry John Yeend King

I'm listening to you, and hearing your requests!  I check my keyword searches regularly and find out what you are looking for. In order to keep a record of viewer requests and some of my own ideas for future posts, I'm listing them here. As they are completed I will post a link to them.

Podcast: You'll be able to click on a little link and hear some of the articles here, plus some of my favorite poetry cited, and some of my own, as well. This is particularly for the blind, who have to listen to the machine words, which are sometimes stilted and expressionless.

Homeschooling - It really should not be called "schooling," because it is more like real life, but I will try to include how to get your housework done while teaching your children how to speak, write, add and subtract (cipher), sing, recite, reason and think. 

Spencerian Penmanship - This is similar to the writing on the original Constitution of the US, but you can add your own personality to it.

What's So Daunting About a Sewing Machine? We are in the computer age now, and if you can understand your computer and all the programs offered online for producing a blog or website or design, such as paint, etc., you can understand how to use a sewing machine. If you know how to drive a car, you can run a sewing machine.

Craft Sewing: How to make a rectangular shaped decorator pillow, how to make a ruffle, and how to make an easy round pillow. Machine or hand-stitch as you like.

Beginner Sewing: Understanding a pattern, understanding fabric, and making a simple, long dress. How to add trim, such as piping, and how to install a zipper.

What Do You Do All Day?  If you hesitate to be a homemaker because you are unsure of how to fill the days and nights, there will be a lot of things here that will give you some ideas of how to make the home the best it can be, and how you will eventually prefer it over anywhere else!

Living at Home Without Children-  If you have never had children or your children are grown, you might want to have some idea of how to be a  keeper at home with purpose, even without children.

Making scented fake cakes from Styrofoam rounds and squares and silk flower petals - I have seen some of these in interior decorating stores and they are very expensive. This will show you how to use supplies from your Dollar Tree stores and make your own that is even more lovely. 

How to make a useful item from a round oat box - this will be great for children but also a pretty craft for your personal use, too,

How to make communion bread - A pictorial tutorial and recipe for unleavened bread, as close as possible to the original passover bread.Which  ingredients are acceptable, and which are not?

Refinement class and printable certificate--this is from an old class I conducted many years ago for young girls when I was homeschooling my own children.  You'll get all the points I covered, plus a certificate to fill out, which has some old-fashioned scrolls and pen art on the edges.

Planning a tea in your home:  I will just show you how to draw it all out on paper, the way I do, to plan the settings, and the menu and cook for a tea at home.

 Unmarried but desiring the home life:  Unmarried women can enjoy the Titus 2/Proverbs 31 role at home by including certain things in their lives from day to day--domestic habits and creative things that provide what the home is really supposed to provide for a human being.

Country Life - I live in the country so I tend to write from that experience. I'd like to share some of the things you can expect when you approach home making and home living from a country view, whether you live there or not.

If you can, please remind me of anything I've left out that has been suggested, or make some suggestions of your own.

Recipes:  Cottage Bread, Scottish Salmon, Sauteed Vegetables, favorite salads

Cleaning A Kitchen - from hurry-up cleaning so you can prepare a meal, to more detailed cleaning and organizing.

The Importance of Rest -  Shows how rest interspersed with work can be beneficial. How to relax  while housekeeping and homemaking so that you'll always feel you are on vacation,

Anxious for Nothing - anxiety and how to deal with it naturally.

You Can Be Happy - Christians are not to be complaining, unhappy people. They often carry the world on their shoulders, and feel guilty that they are even happy, but this is not proper thinking. Lessons from Philippians 4:8

The Desk- Every homemaker needs a place for writing materials that is available and stocked with everything necessary for correspondence. 

Sewing: How to make a ruffle. Ruffles are on everything these days from tablecloths to skirts. They are easy to make by hand or machine but they look very complicated.

Tea:  Thankfully, tea time is here to stay, as more and more women discover this wonderful leisure that lifts the heart, and increases the fellowship love in families and friends.

Hand made cards:  Cards are really expensive these days, but you can make them and even make your own matching envelope, with patterns provided on this post.

The Importance of Creativity in the Home--the freedom of home life makes it possible to be creative. If you do not buy everything, and if you make as many things as you can , you can keep your family income for things that you cannot make yourself.

Good Housekeeping- "What am I supposed to do all day at home?"  With just one or two principles, you can learn to see what needs to be done to provide a lovely home life for yourself and your family.

Help for the Fashion Designers  - You've probably seen the atrocities coming off the runway posing as "wearables"--what is wearable about Paris fashions?  I'll try to find some of their own painters of the 18th and 19th century and show how beautiful their clothes once were.

Homeschooling - There are plenty of publications already written about educating boys, but I'll just list a few old fashioned ideas on how to let boys be boys and develop into the men they are supposed to be. In a public school they are pegged and put in boxes and made to conform, but in home school, they have the freedom to find out how things are made, how things run, how to speak properly, how to behave like gentlemen yet retain their masculinity. There is so much to do at home that 18 years is just not enough time. It is here that they can write their own adventures, invent, and discover real life, instead of the artificial one offered them by government education.

Do You Really Need a Mentor or can you do it yourself?  I think women have the resources available to be good homemakers, cooks, housekeepers, seamstresses, and more.

Becoming a Teacher of Good Things - Things to consider when you open your home for a Titus 2 homemaking class.

The History of Doilies- These lacy rounds were not originally decorative pieces for the home. They were invented by a man with the last name of D'Oyley for another reason.


  1. Anonymous6:02 PM

    These will be great! I see more than a few categories that have particular interest for me, so I'm eager to read & learn what you have to say. Thank you, Lady Lydia!


  2. I look forward to the "Unmarried but desiring the home life" post! That's how I am right now :).


  3. Anonymous7:06 PM

    These all sound wonderful! I'm greatly looking forward to reading and hearing from you!

  4. As for me, I look forward to "Living At Home Without Children." Mine are grown and sometimes homemaking does not seem as meaningful anymore.

  5. I adore your writing Lady Lydia. Thank you so much for all that you provide.

  6. I look forward to reading these. I like the idea of posts that pertain to keeping home even when unmarried. I find pleasure and solace in keeping my little apartment tidy and attractive, even though I am the only one who sees it. My inspiration for doing so is this Scripture: "And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men; knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance: for ye serve the Lord Christ." (Colossians 3:23-24)

    Your blog continues to be a source of inspiration to me. Thank you for all your wonderful posts!

  7. Anonymous6:24 AM

    These are the ones I look most forward to (even though they all sound really good!)
    Refinement class
    Country Life perspective
    Importance of Rest
    What do you do all day?
    Living at home without children
    Unmarried and desiring the homelife

    Thanks for all your wonderful encouragement and your beautiful writings!

  8. Sounds wonderful. I look forward to "schooling" and the plans for Tea.


  9. Anonymous6:48 AM

    Lady Lydia: I look forward to each and everyone of these posts! :) I check your blog nearly every day and I appreciate the encouragement that you give to wives and mothers. It means a great deal to me. As a busy wife, mother, and homeschool teacher, I don't always have time to comment but I just wanted to let you know how much I always enjoy your posts!

  10. Anonymous7:31 AM

    i am so excited,about:Living at Home with out Children". Looking forward to it. thanks you for all you do

  11. Oh, Lady Lydia ~ these will be great!! I cannot wait!

    Thanks much,
    Mrs. Q

  12. I really can't choose just one that I'm looking forward to the most!

    We love your sewing and craft tutorials here already, and all the other categories look so interesting. I am not quite the organized person I would like to be and am sure some of these projects can help me.

  13. Ooops, Just posted my comment under my daughter's account.


  14. Anonymous8:42 AM

    I would be very interested in the "empty nest" concept of keeping a home. It is hard to keep a sense of purpose at that time, especially when there is no volunteer work possible to fill up the time and no younger people to mentor except online.

  15. These sound wonderful--I eagerly await your posts on these subjects!

    I am also especially interested in "Unmarried but Desiring the Home Life" post. I am unmarried at age 37 (never married, saved by Christ at age 30). I have no Christian family and live alone, but am very desirous of marrying and raising a family.

    Some apparent problems I face: There are no single men at church. Much of the instruction in this area is directed toward "daughters waiting for marriage while under their father's roof/protection," which is very, very valuable...but not an option for me. (Both of my parents, who are divorced from each other, laughed at the idea I suggested of me moving home to live with either of them. I'm not sure it would be good to live with ungodly people, at my age, anyway, so that's a blessing from God.)

    I know whatever words you have will be godly, Titus 2, and wise.

    May our Lord bless you and your family!


  16. These look great! Are you still planning on putting some of your lessons in pdf format? I know most people don't, but it's easier for printing, etc. Maybe you'd be interested in combining a series of related lessons and offer it as an ebook (for sale or a giveaway).

    I'm looking forward to the sewing a dress tutorial. And many of the others. Do you have any suggestions on homeschooling through the high school years? What's most important for them to know? Did you have boys? How can we guide them to a livelihood that is right for them and allows them to participate in training/homeschooling their future kids. Just thought you might have some good ideas. I know your blog is mostly for women, but many of us are raising boys besides girls.

    Thanks for your encouragement through your blog.


  17. As a followup to my last question, it is interesting that when Paul is instructing Timothy and the church (1 Tim. 5:1-16) about unmarried women who have their own households and are under 60 years old, but are not married, he "charges" (v. 7) the church with these words, "I will therefore that the younger women marry, bear children, guide the house, give none occasion to the adversary to speak reproachfully." I have never heard a pastor address this in church; I have never seen a church help their "younger widows" to marry. It is to the church's shame. But what does the "younger widow" who longs to marry do in the absence of human assistance? How can she put herself in a position to meet godly men (which is not too forward)?

    Marriage is so important, but it's treated as not important by the vast majority of the church (contrary to Scripture). Even the more home education, patriarchal, pro-family, pro-multi-generational people appear to "write-off" the older, unmarried brethren to concentrate exclusively on their own (and each other's) children. It seems to be assumed that if a sister is my age and unmarried, it's because I've rejected marriage, but nothing is further from the truth. I've been cold-shouldered at many a "pro-family" event.

    In contrast to these truly "anti-family" sentiments, it would be in the best interests of the church and the kingdom of Christ, if the "younger widows" were to marry, bear children (yes, as far as I know I'm still capable and could have 10 babies before menopause at this point), and guide the home, as Scripture teaches. What is more pro-family than putting the unmarried together to form families? :-)

    I have faith in my Lord who has said, "God setteth the solitary in families: he bringeth out those which are bound with chains: but the rebellious dwell in a dry land." (Ps. 68:6)

  18. Anonymous2:27 PM


    I like this very much. I am looking forward to this especially the sections
    on home/housekeeping and doing it restfully, the section on poems, the section on homemaking without children at home, the section on country living as well.I know it will make it easier
    to find what I need also.

    Making our homes wonderful, our marriages beautiful and keeping our families strong and intact will strengthen
    our country, and bring back hope to
    our souls.

    Thanks Lydia!

  19. So many wonderful categories....looking forward to reading them x

  20. Anonymous4:05 PM

    I had just gone to one of your older post and asked about the class that you and your daughter once taught. The other posting I definitely would be interested in is something on managing and handling finances. Of late it seems that saving and giving seems to be difficult, even though I know that God wants us to be blessed with enough to take care of us and to have some left over.

    A while back I also had asked about a posting on setting up house. It seems that some of the young women getting married think you should give them everything in the form of expensive gift registries. A posting dealing with a hope chest versus a registry might be interesting.

    I so appreciate all your postings, your wisdom is far beyond your years. I for one especailly enjoy the crafting and sewing post. I am someone that sews quite well so it is always nice to have something to look forward to for inspiration.

    I come to your blog often for the words you work in about Jesus, for the information and teaching you give, and et. (you menttioned something about people that spend lots of time on sites).

  21. MelissaE4:33 PM

    I would love to see detailed housekeeping schedules (i.e. what jobs should be done when and how often) and especially how to keep your house nice during the upcoming gardening season. I have a hard time keeping up with everything inside when I'm spending many hours a week outside.
    Also, I love articles on feminine clothing and I'd love to see something about the ingredients of a simple but elegant complete wardrobe. You sew such lovely dresses it would be great to see how a complete wardrobe would go together and how many of each type of garment a woman might need.
    Yours is my favorite blog. I learn so much. Thank you very much!!!

  22. Anonymous4:03 PM

    I am looking forward to your upcoming posts. It is hard to choose because each topic offers something worth learning, but I am especially looking forward to the sewing and crafting posts, and I always like to see posts about homemaking.

    Best wishes in your upcoming endeavors and thank you for sharing your priceless wisdom. This is always such a pretty and uplifting blog!

  23. Anonymous4:52 AM

    Looking forward to many of these posts. You always have wonderful insight that inspires me. Thank you, Lady Lydia!


  24. Anonymous10:10 AM

    Can't wait! Is there a link yet to your article The Enduring Marriage"? I wanted to print that out and give copies to my children. There was a link to a movie on You Tube "The Trap" and I was looking to find that,also.
    I would love to take all of my favorite articles of yours and print them out and put them in a pretty binder with beautiful scrapbook pages or pictures in between the articles.
    It is so restful to my spirit to read your essays.

  25. You have a wonderful list of topics.
    Looking forward to them!

  26. To the 27 year old woman seeking a mate but not having any success: I saved your post for a future article. Thanks for writing.

  27. Anonymous7:54 AM

    I enjoy all of your posts, but what particularly interest me are the topics that oppose feminism. There's just never enough examples, such as yourself, who are willing to teach the younger generation. These topics include all the ones you mentioned.

    I love sifting through your old post. They are like an old friend who is gently nudging women in the right direction. Thank you for that.

    Rose Scented Home

    P.S. I've closed my blog temporarily. I just don't have enough time to keep it active.

  28. Anonymous9:33 AM

    I left the comment at 4:05 pm -- I would also like to see what ideas you might have for a frugal but elegant wedding. Some of the "stuff" that I have seen at recent weddings had that I am going to show you what I can do appearance. Sadly, I have also been to a couple of really elaborate weddings where the marriage did not last. Perhaps a tea for a new bride, or some at home reception ideas are something you could share with us.

  29. I look forward to these future posts! :) Thankyou.

  30. I also look forward to several of these upcoming posts.

  31. Anonymous6:43 AM

    I would like to add that some ideas organizing sewing supplies, especially fabric, would be most welcome under your sewing category. I have a limited amount of space for fabric and I always trying to think of ways to organize and categorize my fabric stash.

    Also, the category about round oatmeal containers would be interesting. Seems a shame to throw those nice round boxes away! I have used mine to store candles sometimes.
