Sunday, January 29, 2012

The Flood

I always wanted to have a view of the river, but I did not mean to have it this close to the house!

There are some roads that are covered in water, so I'm staying right here. If the water gets too high, I'll get what is the most valuable to me and sit on the roof, and chat with all my rellies and friends on Skype ;-)
 Technology is so great these days.  Yesterday I saw my father and mother on Skype, and showed them my flood, while they showed me their garden. My father, who is 84, told his eldest daughter, who is 60, (that's me)  not to get on a ladder and to stay off the roof. I said I would stay off the roof if HE would stay off HIS roof, even for repairs. He was not sure he could guarantee me that, so I said, "Well, at least, get over closer to the middle."

I think this serious song is very ticklish when heard in the situation. The words seem hilarious.

The Water of Tyne


  1. Anonymous1:44 PM

    Haha!!!!!That's a good one. Sounds like your father is one incorrigible man. ;o) I love it!

    What is forecast for this rising water situation? Perhaps it's different by locale.....even within neighborhoods there can be different points of danger, whether to evacuate or not, etc.

    Best of luck to you!...keep that computer well charged!


  2. Brenda,
    I believe it is from the rain, but also I heard that some of the water was being let out of the dam and it was filling up the dips and lower places in the farm lands. We are keeping an eye on it.

  3. Oh my, that is looking different from your earlier pictures. I will send up a prayer for you and your area. Has it been this close before?

  4. Emmarinda,

    It flooded worse than this in 1998 and it was closer to my house, so I am not worried yet.

  5. Tie a row boat to your chimney if you're going to sit on the roof.
    I was driving by the beach the other day and saw a sign about a tsunami warning area. I told my husband we're lucky that we're on a hill, basically the only hill in town.He said the wave would bottom out at the low intersection by my 87yr old moms house. She and her cats would be sitting in the window waiting for the coast guard.
    Stay safe, stay dry, and take the ladder away from your dad.

  6. Anonymous6:09 PM


    We've flooding in Northern NSW also which will inevitably work its way down the Murray Darling River system to the towns and villages downstream. the Paru is expected to flood as greatly as its last effort eighteen months ago. Meanwhile, the South of Western Australia is baking and the North West is fending off cyclones; I think my part of Aus and that in which your parents dwell are the only pacific (weatherwise) regions of the country!!

    We enjoy it while we can because Australia's weather cycle is boom-bust; that is, a few years of wet, followed by years of baking, crippling drought.

    'I love a Sunburnt Country,
    A land of Sweeping Plains,
    Of rugged mountain ranges,
    Of Droughts and flooding rains;
    I love Her far horizons,
    I love Her jewelled seas,
    Her beauty and Her terror,
    this wide brown land for me.'
    (My Country, Dorothea Mackellar).

    Stay safe, please!!

  7. Amulbunny,

    Good idea!

    Be sure and listen to the song ;-)

  8. Anonymous6:46 PM

    Oh dear, are those pictures taken from your front yard? I hope you will get some warning if it's going to get any higher.

    My dad sounds a lot like yours, and he is 93!

    Prayers for your safety out there!


  9. Better to take away his shoes, I think.


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