Monday, January 30, 2012

Scrap Heart Cards

On a Sunny Day II by Fasani
Artprint from Allposters

Indoor projects can brighten the mood and lighten the load of housework.  I always look forward to getting out some bright materials and creating something with them.  Here you see a collection of heart-shaped cards made using paper doilies.  Outlines on the doilies are drawn with puff paints and glitter paints. You should be able to click on for a larger view, which really shows the brightness and the details. To save to your files, I think you have to click on first to enlarge, and then click "save."   The butterfly comes in a package of 3, in several colors, from Dollar Tree craft section.
A heart is cut from a decorative paper napkin and ironed on with saran wrap, to the doily in the center. Try using floral scrapbook papers for a similar effect.

First, glue the paper lace heart doilies to a cardstock backing of a contrasting color so that it shows through the lace.  After that, add a picture from a card, or some free Victorian printable cardstock images which you can find online. Use the picture as your center theme and then place the smaller pieces around it, being careful to use colors and shapes that enhance the image and make it stand out in a pleasing way.  If you do not have a key, you can always find a printed page of keys on scrapbook paper and cut one out, or, you can just trace around a key on some glitter paper, and cut one out of your own.

 Foam heart stickers are usually available at the dollar store, as well as stickers, novelty brads, diamond stickers, and other scrapbook and card-making novelties you see here. You can use things you already have in your collection of paper things, or you can get very reasonably priced things at JoAnns, Michaels and Dollar Tree. 

 If you do not have cardstock to glue the doily on to make a firm backing, try pink, white, red or black construction paper, which looks great if it is a contrasting color to the paper lace hearts.

These cards are not double-folded, but you can add a rubber-stamped or hand-written greeting on the other side.  If they are to be mailed, they should be sent in a padded envelope and weighed at the post office before adding postage. Ribbon or string can be glued between the layers before putting the doily on the cardstock,  to make hanging hearts.

I think it is important, especially on overcast days, to make something cheerful to keep or give away. I'm keeping these and future creations in a basket on the seat by the front door to give away to anyone who drops by and wants one.


  1. Anonymous5:48 AM

    Those are very pretty. It's hard to believe that February starts tomorrow.

    Good to see you are alive, well and dry after your last post.


  2. Anonymous8:47 AM

    These are lovely creations - thank you for sharing ideas and instructions.

    Do you also do scrapbooking? Some of your paper crafts could be implemented for this purpose as well.

    I have collected some scrapbooking supplies as I would like to put together something for each of our adult children to have for their own. I just haven't decided where or how to begin!


  3. A word about stickers: only the thick stickers or raised stickers really worked well on these paper doilies. The others show through to the lace and also do not stick very well. In a while, I'll demonstrate how to do one with only trash crafts, magazine cuttings, etc.

  4. This post brings back memories of making valentines as a child and how much fun it was. Yours are so pretty, you inspire me to try to do some this year myself.

  5. Anonymous12:39 PM

    These are indeed very pretty and elegant. It is nice to find crafts that don’t scream home made, and yet have a hand craftiness. I once worked in a community center, and the visual artist referred to the donated overstock items we received from the various companies as “beautiful trash”. Our dollar store has these dollies and I too may make some this year, I thought I would paint a simple rose spray on the solid portion of the doily.

  6. Beautiful post, as usual! How relaxing, enjoyable and fun to make things that will bless others!

    Have a lovely day!

  7. These cards are absolutely gorgeous!

  8. Anonymous5:26 PM

    I just love heart cards...homemade ones...and yours are absolutely lovely and inspirational! Thanks, Lady Lydia for showing us how to make some pretty ones as yours.
