Thursday, September 13, 2018

All is Well

Hello Everyone,

Just posting to assure you that all is well here at The Manse. 

Today I am posting Catherine Klein paintings of fruit. These appear to be watercolors, and oh I do like them so much.  I have also posted some tea cups from Pinterest with similar motifs. 

That apple painting in the teacup is almost as good as standing under an apple tree and looking at the beautiful colors. Both the Klein painting and the tea cup painting have a raindrop.

Plums: The kind that have a fog on them before you shine it on your shirt. They look soft and sweet. How did she do that? The plums look juicy and the apples look crisp.

Pretty Grapes:  The artists must have been very observant people, able to concentrate on painting the details of light and shadow on a mass of grapes.

Cherries. Look at the way she painted them to look crisp and hard like real cherries. I can taste them!


Each fruit in the paintings has a different texture, and she painted them all just right. How did she do that? The Pears seem to have that leatherly skin like my Bosc pears, and the peaches are softer. 
When I last posted about my housekeeping progress, I was in the kitchen. I now have one more shelf to clean
 before I move on to the laundry room. 

While cleaning house
 I was remembering Silas
Wegg and the dust mounds!  He
 found hats, shoes. jewelry...and a Will. So far, I have only found an excess of half-used
pencils,erasers and other office supplies.

Housekeeping is a "good work" and like all work, it takes diligence, determination and anticipation of the end result.  It is quite motivating to clean house when someone is coming, but what if no one is coming and no one will notice? Should I clean it anyway?  I think so, because if it is done for the glory of God, and for orderliness
it is not done for nothing.

Therefore, my beloved brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain. 1 Corinthians 15:58

Also, if you live by yourself and there is no one to please, why not please yourself and give yourself a nice, clean place to live. 


  1. so glad to see your post. I miss reading when you have a break and wonder if everything is ok.
    I have been reading and getting lots of inspiration from your blog for years. It is just like family
    Hope you keep posting for a long time to come. Love Ann

  2. The scriptures are a great reminder of who we are really working for...sometimes my focus gets skewed! The pictures are beautiful! I love these types of paintings. I have a couple of prints by Henk Bos and love his work as well. Have a blessed day!

  3. The watercolors of fruit are so beautiful. I think I will print out some of them, get some frames from the dollar store and hang them in my kitchen. AFTER I do a thorough cleaning! Have a wonderful weekend.

  4. So glad to hear from you again. I too miss reading your posts and know right well you are attending your home, of which we all so inspired. We applaud you Lydia!
    Love the fruit photos too.

    I too have been busy babysitting the great grand-children, housekeeping, freezing some extra produce from the garden and even got a skirt made, though it took me three days to finish it (in carved out time).

    Blessings, Janet Westrup

  5. thank you for the lovely images, always a pleasure to read and see what you post. It's wonderful to be reminded of the importance femininity and beauty in todays world. thanks for your inspiration. Lady Liza

  6. The paintings and the tea cups are lovely. I was wondering how you were and if you'd caught a bit of a cold. So glad all is well.
    We've been busy, my daughter came for Labor Day and we went to the Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising, a college for talented sewers and designers of clothing and jewelry. They were having an exhibition of clothing nominated for an Emmy in Costume Design. I know one of the designers and it was amazing to see her work and others. I had seen her designs on paper but to see them realized was outstanding. They came to life off the screen.

  7. Very pleasant post today....

  8. Hope you got some photos of the exhibition

  9. great thoughts polka-dot peony i agree


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