Saturday, September 01, 2018

Bosc Pears

Hello Ladies,
This is my little pear tree I planted about 10 years ago. It never yielded anything til this year and I discovered they are the Bosc variety. They are bug resistant and weather proof and I'm enjoying them very much.

The new issue of Victoria Magazine has a recipe for Pear Frangipane that I'd like to try, which particularly calls for Bosc pears. They are a very good cooking pear, while the Bartlett variety is a better eating pear.  I found out people like to poach them too, which I will also attempt.

Ladies I love you all so much. Thank you for your viewership and your friendship, your emails and your contributions on paypal. I wanted some of you to know I took note of the sale ad at Hob-Lob online and found out about the 99c pattern sales, and have gone there during their sale week. 

Please make up your mind to be happy today and have a lovely day. You have enough personal bad news without tuning in to the manufactured broadcasted news. I dont allow it in my home and I have for years put up with comments about the ostrich burying its head in the sand. They do not understand what the ostrich is really doing. He's looking beneath the surface for food and listening for danger. An ostrich can hear better the vibrations on the top of the soil when he lays his head on the ground, but he is certainly not just sticking his head in the sand to keep from hearing and seeing everything.

Besides that, so far,  there has not been any solution for the bad news. No one can find a way to do anything about the things they hear, except maybe shelling out more money to things that never get fixed.

This is of interest to me, since I'm living on farmland. The surface of the land always indicates the nutritional condition or what is going on beneath it. You have probably heard the expression "if you keep your ear to the ground..."


  1. I don't eat pears, the texture puts me off, but my husband loves Bosc pears. I'll pick some up when they are in season and he enjoys them with his lunch. He also loves the blackest of plums, while I like those little champagne grapes or bubble gum grapes.
    Enjoy your long weekend.

  2. How lovely you have yourself a fruitful pear tree!

  3. I didn't know that about the ostrich. Now I know what to say when I'm accused of that.

  4. There is a host of info on why the ostrich lays his ear to the ground or puts his head in the sand. Even beneath the earth he sees things.Yes we can be accused of being like the ostrich but that shows the lack of insight of the accuser. I believe that even the ancients knew what the ostrich was doing and applied some of it to their military and their lives. Its good to know what is going on beneath the surface, and at home you have time to observe the countenance of your children, as well as pay attention to any influence that is taking you all down into discouragement. We are not even as alert as the ostrich, who hears footsteps in the ground while they are a long way off. If you are homeschooling, the ostrich would be a good subject to cover. You can print of things from the web and make your own book , as I'm not sure there is any book that makes spiritual application with the ostrich.

  5. Love the information on the ostrich! I agree with polka-dot peony that you have a lot of knowledge which is so evident in your postings over the years. I believe it takes wisdom and discernment to differentiate between what bears thinking about regarding "news." Is it truly important or does it waste mental energy and peace of mind? You have given wonderful guidance throughout the years. I sincerely appreciate your time and effort to impart so much.

  6. Dear Lydia,

    Congratulations on your pear producing pear tree!
    We have a grape vine that has produced very well this year...I plan to make lots of grape jelly in the future.
    Thank you for the information on ostriches. Very interesting.
    Thank you for all the time and effort you put into your blog. It continues to be one of my favorites.
    Have a relaxing day,
    Aline L.

  7. Such a refreshing blog post!

  8. You again prove yourself to being a Titus 2 woman of God. I delight in your wisdom and discernment.
    God bless you and yours, (and your lovely pear tree)


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