Tuesday, September 18, 2018


 Hello Everyone,  Before I begin my day of sewing, which will isolate me in the back room of the far end of the house, I'm sharing a few things with you. These are the Italian plums, which, when you shine them on your shirt, reveal a deep purple. I love that frosty glaze on them, do you?

My senses seem to take wings and fly with the fuel of euphoria when I stand under a tree and look up at the fruit.  It is an experience I share with my visitors that use those guest rooms.

Hobby Lobby had an unadvertised sale on knobs for 99 cents.  For decades I had kicked myself for losing the finials on the footboard of Grandma's bed. which is in one of the guest rooms. I used two of these to temporarily fill that gap, because they were almost the same size, square at the ends.  They look like coach lights.

The tea table is ready for company...

...and this is the current condition of the sky in these parts...

Below is another guest room. I moved the outdoor table set in there to protect it from the corrosion over the winter.  I know these things are considered weather-proof, but the wind, rain, ice, etc. does wear out the finish, and I think its a cute addition to the guest room.

One of the comments had a suggestion to put shutters on the windows of the Manse to make it look more cottage-y, and this is what I did:

These are metal scroll decorative things from Hobby Lobby. I hope you can see them better in this picture. I see I need to paint them a bit darker to match the house trim, which is called "English Meadows" so if the weather remains dry, that is what I will be doing.

This may seem odd, but the old tub that has been here since 1960 was rusted so much on the outside, that I grew weary of putting different cleaning and anti-rust products on it. Finally I spray painted it. Now I can keep the curtain open a little and not be hiding that eyesore. 

I got the inspiration for this from a picture I framed (from a magazine) a few years ago and hung in my bathroom:
 I also had a container from one of those bath stores (years and years ago), that I hung on to for years and years, which also matches the picture. 

It is impossible to replace these outdated things like tubs and sinks from the last century,  because of the size, the way it was put in, and connected, etc. so I've found that paint is my easiest tool to update things. Unless something is actually broken, and it still functions well, I generally do not replace it.


  1. I really love that lamp! I wish there were Hobby Lobbys in Canada.

  2. Those plums look so delicious and yes, the protective waxy coating on them is beaautiful.I had a lovely plum tree once that had the most fragrant plums and bowls of them. would perfume my home in the late summers.
    What a great idea putting the tea table in the guest room.
    Your table all set up for tea looks so inviting too!
    I love art, plants and candles in the bathroom (I use those battery pillar candles). Your photo and soap dish that mimic the pink tub in your bathroom is perfect.I read in one of those decorating books that art on the walls should address something on display in the same room.
    What a great idea using finnials on the antique bed! So many things of interest in your home, thank you for sharing.
    Blessings and happy sewing,
    Janet Westrup

  3. I really appreciate your “eye” and talent in creating a cozy home. The bathroom is so cute.

  4. Ann, I don't suppose you could drop by here on the way to Paris.

  5. Your heart is in every picture. I love the ideas you have shared with us. Spray painting your bath tub was a blessing. It looks so beautiful and I like the color pink too. Your window is so lovely with your tea set in front of it. Blessings to you


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