Sunday, September 16, 2018

The Vinedresser


Mr.S. has a new interest: training the grapevines to go around the arbor.  As you know, someone left a metal wedding arch after the last wedding, because they did not want it. We tried to give it away and even sell it but no takers. Now those vines are eagerly creating the most wonderful nature decor. Mr. S. goes outside every day and tends to the tendrils of the grapevines, putting them gently on the trellis.

He also hung a round solar light which looks so nice at night. I hope you can see it; the white globe in the middle of the trellis.

I am sharing some sewing tips. Every stitcher has her ways, and one thing I do is put the pattern and the cut out fabric inside a large zip-lock plastic bag, just to keep the mess together; no missing facings here!

After the sewing project is completed, I put the pattern pieces in the bag, as they rarely fit back in the envelope even when ironed, and this way it keeps the pattern envelope from getting torn.  I have several of these unfinished dresses. When the item has been sewn,   I use the bag again for something else, so it is not a big expense. Most of my patterns are in plastic bags like this.

This pattern is McCalls 8131 from 1996 in case you are wondering.

Also I  had a bit of a delight finding this pair of matching cloth covered shoes, for $1.00 at Walmart. You are going to ask me if I can wear them, due to their structure. No, they are just for the photograph when I model the finished garment, and yes, I can put shoe cushions inside them and wear them  to any place where I won't be walking in them much, like church. They are not for hiking or gardening. 

This hair band from Dollar Tree is a perfect match and will save me some time sewing one. Maybe I'll get the dress done sooner.

Regarding the fabric, I want you to know I bought it a year ago and am just now getting time to sew it. While looking at some ladies videos I discovered they were wearing black check fabrics, and now it is really a big thing. Hobby Lobby is selling black check autumn decor, including decorative pumpkins. But when I first began this project, black check was not a trend yet.  The pattern from 1996 shows a black gingham dress. That was over 20 years ago. I am just so far behind, the trend for black gingham recycled itself to the modern age. 

I regret I have not finished sewing the dress. Hopefully the next post will show the completed garment, if I have a photographer, and if none can be recruited, then it will be on the dress form. I hope to make a purse and a hat, also.  I better get busy now. 

Gingham (checkered) pumpkins from Hobby Lobby.

Thank you for your visit and your comments.


  1. Oh those vines are brilliant!!

  2. black and white gingham is always a good choice.

  3. I’m chuckling about you saying, “you are so far behind, that you recycle itself to the modern age”. I’ve done that, yoo!
    Looking forward to the fashion show.

  4. Your arbor is so pretty! Can't wait to see the new dress. Black and white gingham always looks so clean and crisp. You will be the belle of the ball!

  5. I am fascinated that the vines are filling in so quickly. It looks beautiful, and the solar light is a great idea!

    I never knew black and white check pattern was so popular in fall. Thanks for sharing that you hold onto things, I tend to feel frustrated I never got it done and then give it away. But then I feel like I've not completed what I wanted to. I like that you eventually get to it :-)

    What a treasure to find shoes at Walmart for $1...that match! You must have been so excited.

    Do you wear Sketchers at all? I just found some new this season with bows on them. I am searching for them on sale somewhere.

    Peace be with you,

  6. Love the gingham shoes and fabric paired together. Can't wait to see your dress.
    P.S. I just realized I started sewing 51 years ago as a child. Whoa.

  7. Our non-tended vines along the front walk are just about done for this year. The last 2 years they have borne fruit, but nothing for the 5 years prior. I joke that they thrive on benign neglect. I killed an azalea plant that was given to us for our Mom's funeral. The black thumb strikes again. I might go visit Hobby Lobby after I am done teaching class on Friday, since there is one quite close to the campus. None at all in this area. I like the checked look.

  8. Don't you just love it when we can re-purpose these things and turn them into something marvelous? That reminds me, how is your pet gate doing these days? Please post another pic of him or her (lol) sporting some fine fall frippery. We have a fountain with a little girl statue in it, as if she is washing her hands. My daughter is going to make an autumn flower crown for her. It is wonderful to get to our stage in life and be able to just make our own schedule and "putter" when we want to with this or that interesting pass time. Thanks for all the lovely posts lately and for sharing with us your life in a western manse.


  9. I always enjoy your writings and photos. I look forward in seeing your dress complete. I love the way your husband cares for your home.


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