Tuesday, January 01, 2019

New Years Day With a View

This was our view on January 1, 2019.

We have been quite industrious today catching up on housework and church work and everything else, including a burst at the well, the little house you see in the photo below.  We were without running water quite awhile but loaded the dishwasher and the washer, and did as much non-water cleaning as we could.

Does it look bleak?

There is the little well-house and the manse in the distance, early on a frosty morn. It is completely wet and rotten and has to be rebuilt from the foundation; the floor is caved in and the water tank is leaning.  Possibly homeowners insurance will cover the cost, but one of our members will build it. 

I will just take you on a little scenic tour around the house, since it is so cold and wet outside.

The little guest room for one, where I pulled out all the stops and used the heat and light just to make it cheerful in the house. Nothing is worse than letting the darkness inside. 

I'm getting toys for my home this year, and that's my toile print bear, above. 

Coats on the coat tree in a corner by the entry--I'm liking the black and white checks this year.

 I keep costumes here and the children always ask for them. I must get busy and make some larger ones, because they are growing out of these.

Mr. S. is enjoying some antique books that his father used for sermon topics, which were quite ancient even back then, but I think they make such a lovely vignette here. 

 Mr. S. likes gourmet coffee and grinds the beans himself, and in particular, Kona from Hawaii, which is hard to find. I do not drink it myself but love the smell of the freshly ground beans which he grinds in an old coffee grinder from 1960 something.

And Mr. S. also faithfully types up and prints a weekly church bulletin. This time he put a book mark in it for the Bible reading through the year.  He gets ahead by listening to it online while he does other things. Do you think that is the same as reading it?  I don't think it is the same in the way it affects the brain, but I don't want to to say one is better than the other. Some people are better audio learners and others do best with reading.

You can find Bible reading schedules for the year, in many different forms, online. Some are in chronological order, and others are combinations of daily reading for Old and New Testament combined; others are according to subject (law, poetry, gospels, epistles, history, etc.)  I am planning to follow several different ones throughout the year. 

There will be a few more inspirational posts coming up soon, that I am working on, and hopefully I will have some time to make another video.

Thank you all for your love and your support and your viewership. Please check out the sidebar blogs, as many of them are very inspiring also. 


  1. I really like the 30 days in 30 minutes reading chart....I may use that as I set my timer for 30 minutes of reading anyway...so this fits!

  2. You wrote: Some people are better audio learners and others do best with reading.
    I am definitely a reading learner as I learned in high school French class. The teacher usually just spoke the words....and I couldn't remember them...and failed the class!

  3. I agree with you Lynn. Even with normal conversation in English I see the words written, in my mind. And I sometimes spell out a word aloud in a conversation when there is a synonym or similie. When studying Koine Greek of the Bible, my understanding of it is clear when I see it written.

  4. Happy New Year to you Lady Lydia! Thank you so much for your lovely blog and the time and effort that you put into it. I have been reading it for quite awhile, but I did not have the right email account in order to comment. I have that now. Two and half years ago I quit working outside the home. My husband and I decided I should stay home to better take care of everything including our teenagers. Your advice and homeliving inspiration has been wonderful. I am looking forward to more videos.


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