Tuesday, January 01, 2019

Pattern for Kate's Coat

The coats worn to church in December by the young royals of England were so pretty, and you know how I like coats.  The one above, was also made in a beautiful plaid and a deep forest green, which Kate wore earlier in the year. The cuffs and collar are made of another fabric, possibly velvet.

These are the photos that we have been seeing since the British royals went to church in December.

 I particularly liked the light blue wool coat that Sophie, the wife of Prince Edward wore. 

I found a few patterns online that are similar:

Butterick 6497

 I like seeing the coats men are wearing, too, and so many of them today are like the paintings of yesteryear, above.

Although I have sewn a couple of coats, I think it would be nice if we could at least be able to buy similar ready-made coats.
 This seems to be the closest in style to the rose colored coat worn by Kate, but it is an older pattern probably available on etsy or ebay.

I used a combination of these two patterns for the pink and white fleece coat I made a few years ago--the one you all helped me by sending me the rose buttons. I've shown that coat a couple of times here.


  1. I love Kate Middleton's style and am actually keeping an eye out for a similar coat in our local charity shops.

  2. I wore that pink princess seamed coat with the white trim yesterday and I counted the number of people who stopped me to ask about the coat. I told one lady that women would wear the kate style coats if they were hanging on the rack at the stores, available; but the only thing available around here is the lumberjack style, as if we were all going to be cutting wood, and no color outside of camo. I could have sold it 20 times yesterday and more the day before, even though its worn, and has no lining. If you continually post these coats on Pinterest, there may be a chance someone will pick up on the trend and put these coats out there! Also send pictures to your favorite retail outlets and see if they would find them and supply them. There are some being sold on Chinese sites but beware, as they are usually child size or you don't get the order sent to you and you dont get your money back either,. If I were not taking care of the Mister and trying to catch up on my house (which has fallen into a hoarder style mess--please remember to pray for me and each other regarding our housekeeping), I would gladly make these and sell them. However they are a pain to make, and the industrial machines would do a much better job!

  3. I also am thinking the Kate coats might not be coats actually but coat dresses, that she does not remove. They look like coats but are actually dresses made of warm material.


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